Background: I am 23 years old, and I do technical support for a major medical diagnostics company. It's big enough that if you've ever had blood drawn, chances are we did the testing. I have worked for this company since I graduated college in June of 2004. I was a contractor from June to April '05, and in April, I was hired on as a full-time employee, giving me real job security, a boost in salary, benefits, and responsibilities.
I've volunteered and worked on projects, both for Six Sigma and for the department, met every single tech-support metric, written procedures, gotten kudos from management, and done everything I could to continually do better. I'm paid fairly well ($39,000 a year pre-tax, which is awesome for a political science degree) I've taken and passed a pretty tough Help Desk certification exam as part of our consultancy proficiency shpiel, and I get along very well with everyone.
Recently, they announced a reorganization in our supervisory structure. We've had one manager (Boss), one supervisor (Underboss that reports to the manager) and us employees, reporting to the supervisor. The way it'll work is that two supervisors will report to the big boss. They opened up a position for another supervisor, and they offered the position to us employees to apply for. I applied, and they apparently liked my resume enough to ask me to come for an interview. That happens on November 29th.
I haven't held a supervisory position, although I was in charge of the aforementioned projects and recruited support for those on my own. I've held offices in extracurricular activities in college and high school; in the former, I helped with recruitment, training, development, etc.
The supervisory position takes me off of answering calls and moves me into supervising ten employees. I'll be their manager, for all rights and purposes, and report to the boss, who then reports to the boss of corporate IT.
The reason I'm posting this is to get some advice. I am going to prep the hell out of myself since this is my gateway up from the day-to-day stresses of answering phones and moving up in a very good company. I love working for my company, but I don't like my job very much. I've had offers for two other similar positions (Doing tech support) since I started with my current employer last June, but with less volume and stress, and somewhat comparable salary.
I can market my current position anywhere, but I want to stay with this company. Does anyone have any suggestions/advice for how to pimp myself a little better as a supervisor during this interview?