Can you elaborate on task/skill method of transferral a little? In the words of Starship Troopers, I'd like to know more.
I'm basically adopting a mantra for this: "Take it if I get it, learn from it if I don't." The outcome doesn't matter to me in the sense that I'll still have my current job if this doesn't work out, I can fall back on going the Six Sigma training route and still get my MBA in the process, and I still make enough to pay the rent, the bills, and eat well while having enough for a video game or a couple of DVDs a month. So if I lose, I can still build experience in the process.
The best part of what you said is that I still have the awesome new suit I got for my interview with a job in NYC... it'd pay as much as the supervisor position, but I don't think I could stomach the commute. ^_^