Why must you click on something so flashy?
I guess I can call it job security.
You call on me only when your computer gets too slow
To keep up with the speed at which your life flows.
You wonder how it got all those icons and toolbars,
And when I tell you how, you look at me like I was from Mars.
Viruses, trojans, adware, spyware, all these maladies
Have enslaved your computer once so free.
And when I return it to you so clean,
You're so anxious, excited, and keen
To keep on believing the myths
That got you into this mess to begin with.
If only you'd stop using that insecure I.E.
Get a better browser and virus/spyware protection, they're free.
I guess I really can call it job security,
Becuase so very few will keep doing this for free.