I found a 128mb memory stick, a cheap little Dell brand, connected to a computer I was using here at my university library. It has nothing on it but 3 simple doc files with a syllabus for a course at another university.
Options are: Keep it, or turn it in at the reference desk and hope they have a lost-and-found.
First, I know how pissed I would be if someone stole my memory stick. But mine has lots of important stuff on it, not some easily-replicated syllabus.
Second, what if the person who lost it doesn't know he lost it at the library? Or doesn't think to check for a lost-and-found at the reference desk? Then it will stay there forever, unused, or someone else will get it.
Third, if I leave the stick where it is, chances are someone who is not the owner will pocket it.
But, my conscience is bothering me. It's not right to take it. But I'd rather have it than some other thief. So, what would you do? What do you think I should do?