I need to quit smoking and get a job. (5)

1 Name: Syd 2005-12-22 18:13 ID:0fRvy6RR

It's been a bit over a year since I started and it's really slaying my wallet. Don't really care about health reasons as much that it's just a hassel now. I'm thinking of quitting as soon as my finals are over but because of the transit strike they are postponed.

I also need a damn job. I got fired from my last two after only a few weeks. One was because it was off the books and my predecessor had come back from college, my second one was because I worked in an Indian optical store and I didn't speak the language, meaning I was pretty useless. As soon as the strike's over I'm just gonna dress up, print out my resume and just go door to door and look for work. I need $ badly.

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-22 19:55 ID:sDATjYUZ

And good luck finding a job , i know it can be hard.

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-22 22:44 ID:myUIw/JI

The best way to quit smoking is not to have started in the first place. :/ Good luck with it, though.

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-22 23:15 ID:ANkbzZfi

too bad you dont have a crazy bothersome friend like me, who bothered his friend so much, every single morning when he saw her, with "cough cough whats that smell? oh right, ITS YOU SMOKER!"
or other random things. Even if you did have a job and money, dont smoke, its bad for you! just, have will power

5 Name: Syd 2005-12-23 05:10 ID:0fRvy6RR

Yeah, thanks. I'm quitting once my semester officially ends. That way no stress and I can focus on quitting. Not to mention where I live smokes can go for $7 a pack.

I do have an annoying friend who whines every time I light up, but I just try to ignore him ~_~;

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