Im a student in high school, single, 16 years old, normal guy into games and anime and whatever. Over the course of 2 months, ive started to become more and more introverted. Lately, people just start to piss me off like crazy over the smallest things, then i go home feeling really sad. I dont hang out with anyone anymore like i used to. Girls, hah, theyre evil, what else is there to say? Basically, Ive started to just hate everyone. Before I used to normally go out, hang out with friends, etc. etc. etc. But now, i go home everday afterschool, do homework and study for 8hrs, then sleep, and just play video games all weekend in my room. Ive even already decided Im not going to prom. I dont feel bad or lonely or watever, but im pretty sure this behavior isnt healthy, I guess i just dont care about myself socially anymore. This damn christmas season too, damn people should donate more.... Mabye Im not being specific enough, but thats all i can put into words. Anyone got any ideas on how to reverse this introversion?