A few years ago i started working at UPS, and while i was still quiet and introverted,i found myself enjoying the work. Then i met someone. In short i fell for her and we eventually started dating seriously,i found that for the first time i was actually communicating with some from the opposite sex even and felt at ease and happy. This wasnt to last though. We were engaged to be married, and for reasons i dont really want to type out, it ended.
It has been 3+ years now. She is married and is excpecting a baby (found her on myspace). I am back to where i started. I dont work, i sleep all day, and stay in my room at night watching videos, playing online video games, internet. Im 22 years old and will turn 23 in Feb. I cant, and wont even go to the store to buy cigarettes. I have my mother or father pick me up the things i need.
Being an avid gamer you would think id even be able to set foot in a store like EB or GameStop, but i dont.
I order everything i want online. I have literally become a hermit. Anyways sorry for the long and pathetic post.
My point is from an extreme introverted person like me to, someone who seems to be taking that same path. Dont let it get out of hand, or it will be too much to handle in later life.
I slept through the New Year, only to get up around 1:50 am to get online to play a videogame. I didnt even realize that another year has stareted. Time doesnt really seem to mean much to me anymore. Just another day that i am alone.