Thread for people who are up late (95)

75 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-02 08:47 ID:Heaven

At this time, alone, 7:30 pm, always alone, Im always like this, in my room, but this time, I feeling really down, and I want to suicide. I'm thinking if it is worth living, which I don't think so. I want to kill myself. I have no one.. no one likes me, no girl and women loves me, it's been proven and proven again by experience that I can't get any love anywhere. I really want to die but I 'm such a coward to do it. It seems so hopeless. I really considering trying out the charcoal method of suicide. is there hope for me? it all seem so bleak and grim... I 'm so worthless now..... I can't get one anyone to like me. I want to DIE GOD DAMN IT!! *cries

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