4-ch irc (44)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-20 23:49 ID:Heaven

Having seen the "#4-ch@ZiRC" link in the sidebar for months now, I decided I might as well try this place, see if anyone actually uses it and so on. But obviously I couldn't just connect there directly; my hostname would give away hints as to who I am, leading to the same sort of problems that plague pseudonomous, register-only forums. I just wanted to chat, not become part of a clique. (See also: http://wakaba.c3.cx/shii/shiichan)

So I spent awhile setting up tor and used the "werd.pl" program to generate a Japanese-sounding nickname, and I connected to the server, only to find that I could not chat, because Tor is banned from the network!

This is really inappropriate for something associated with an anonymous BBS. Please move the 4-ch IRC channel to a server that allows Anonymouses :(

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