Hmm...don't remember how i came to 4-ch. I came to wakachan/iichan in general when 4chan went down, like most people (probably), and came to 4chan right as it opened after hearing about it on FYAD...yes, i used to be a goon, so shoot me :\
Aside from that, i'm probably like almost all young american kids on the internet. I'm failing out of school because i spend to much time online, and would rather focus on teaching myself the language of a country i'll never be able to visit due to my bad grades, than my true studies. I listen to eurobeat more than american music because i'm an elitist faggot, and hate all hot-topic/toonami fags. I spend my time not online playing Bemani...Pop'n at the moment, i skipped IIDX because it seems to be becoming too popular (again, my elitist side). I used to be into DDR, way back in the day (team gwai lo 4 lyfe), but have since AAA'd most of the game and don't care anymore.
As much as i'd like to think i'm unique, i'm probably just a clone of every other anonymous here on the wild wild internet. :\
The only thing that makes me interesting is that before the internet stole my life, i used to be a amateur skater :) I rode for DVS (flow team), and Chocolate (flow again). Makes me wish i didn't become such a lazy slob :\