Who else <3 Waterpipe? (16)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 00:18 ID:J0zKHYOG

Yo. I'd like to know how many of ya <3 Nakhla/Nargila/Waterpipe. I just love it. Smoking Nargila is a main event on each party in my house. I especially love a cherry flavoured tobbaco. In my country I have to pay 5USD for 50 grams of tobbaco. It lasts for about 2 hours of smoking. It's nice to put lotta ice into the water. Once we have used vodka instead of water. After that we were a little bit happy, the whole room smelled like a cherry vodka and the next day one of my friends had a slight hangover.

Ok. for those who don't know what Nakhla is just google it:P. I'd only like to do a little comparison of Nakhla and cigarets (that I hate and I would never ever try)


Addictive: No
Nicotine: 0,5%
Tar: 0%
Smell: Really nice
Chance for getting cancer: Almost none (Just like walking on the street during rush hours)
Problems with smoking first time: None
Other problems: None

Ciggies (Marlboro)

Addictive: Yup
Nicotine: 1.1mg/cig
Tar: 16mg/cig
Smell: Awfull stink ><
Chance for getting cancer: High - caused by tar
Problems with smoking first time: It's not something you would call tasty...
Other problems: Awfull smelling clothes, bad skin color, bad tooth color, bad breath, awfull nails...

So, for me smoking Nakhla once a week or even once per 2 or 3 weeks is ok ^_^.

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 00:30 ID:Heaven

Yeah it's nice to sit around with friends and puff away on it... Tastes real good, too.

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 00:55 ID:J0zKHYOG

(^_^)p yesss...

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 01:54 ID:pIK0JGEw

...how do they differ from hookahs?

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 05:35 ID:Heaven

They're hipper and appeal to emo kids.

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 10:22 ID:DQETBk26

Isn't hooka just the other name for the same thing?

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 12:17 ID:DQETBk26

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 13:05 ID:Heaven

What the hell, kids smoking bongs without any actual pot in them? What's the fucking point?

9 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg 2006-01-26 16:04 ID:Ca84zI+W

>What the hell, kids smoking bongs without any actual pot in them? What's the fucking point?

There's really nothing strange about it. Think outside your particular culture more.

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 19:13 ID:rRp08990

It's about taste. Not getting high...

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 19:13 ID:rRp08990

Oh... and I'm 23y old kid >_<

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-27 13:50 ID:Heaven

No, really, drawing smoke into your lungs is really dumb, so if you're going to do it, at least try to get something out of it! If I wanted "taste", I'd eat candy.

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-29 09:48 ID:Heaven

>>12 Them waterpipes fuck you up real good though.

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-29 23:46 ID:Heaven

I hate the taste cigarrettes, but I love waterpipes. They taste good and are nice to sit around.


15 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-16 09:48 ID:T/5apjwM

peach = +
mint = +

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-20 04:47 ID:awRR286A

I wouldn\'t mind trying one sometime, if I got the chance. Although I have no desire to smoke cigarettes, a waterpipe or hookah sounds very good.

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