Happy lunar new year!
why should we care about the lunar new year? i'm pretty sure no one here lives on the moon...
>>2 is a racist who hates moon creatures
Happy new year:)
>>2 Where do you think moon language comes from?
xin nian hao!
can't read your crazy Moon language!
nihao TAMATA
Attack of the killer space bunnies!
so who wants to give me lucky money via paypal?
idiots, muslims celebrate the moon year.
no, moon people do
muslims are moon people?
might as well be
it's the festival where the fiery wrath of sailor moon rains down upon earth.
\\ 良いお年いを!! //
+ + \\ 良いお年いを!!/+
. + /■\ /■\ /■\ +
( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩) ( ´ー`)
+ (( (つ ノ(つ 丿 (つ つ )) +
ヽ ( ノ ( ヽノ ) ) )
(_)し' し(_) (_)_)
Fuck Lunar New Year. The Chinese aren't the only people with lunar calendars.
I forgot to add:
Happy Chinese New Year!