Happy lunar new year! (19)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-29 20:41 ID:OS3wwYZ3

Happy lunar new year!

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-29 20:54 ID:1Tv+ShFW

why should we care about the lunar new year? i'm pretty sure no one here lives on the moon...

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-29 21:39 ID:Heaven

>>2 is a racist who hates moon creatures

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-29 23:41 ID:Heaven

Happy new year:)

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 00:03 ID:401MPWku

>>2 Where do you think moon language comes from?

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 00:59 ID:dT1f0UuO

xin nian hao!

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 01:32 ID:Heaven

can't read your crazy Moon language!

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 01:52 ID:Heaven

nihao TAMATA

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 02:47 ID:Heaven

Attack of the killer space bunnies!

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 03:08 ID:OS3wwYZ3

so who wants to give me lucky money via paypal?

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 03:35 ID:Heaven


12 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 10:47 ID:Heaven

idiots, muslims celebrate the moon year.

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 13:27 ID:Heaven

no, moon people do

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 14:19 ID:kMgDhR+h

muslims are moon people?

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-30 15:32 ID:A4DPYgyA

might as well be

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-31 01:15 ID:OS3wwYZ3

it's the festival where the fiery wrath of sailor moon rains down upon earth.

17 Name: (´-`).。oO(おっぱい (. Y .) ) 2006-01-31 03:07 ID:IIyGEfx0

     \\     良いお年いを!! //
 +   + \\ 良いお年いを!!/+
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      ( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩) ( ´ー`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-01 04:07 ID:jaDlaLLA

Fuck Lunar New Year. The Chinese aren't the only people with lunar calendars.

19 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-01 04:08 ID:jaDlaLLA

I forgot to add:

Happy Chinese New Year!

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