the id on 4-ch (10)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-31 06:12 ID:tva6H227

you know, the id on 4-ch whenever you post a new post, how come some people's is "heaven?" i thought the computer does a random id on you, so how did people able to put "heaven" for their id?

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-31 06:33 ID:Heaven

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-31 06:33 ID:oSzgckcL

heaven is when someone puts something in "link"

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-31 07:45 ID:Heaven

I bought one of those bags at AX last year.
Turns out it was bigger than I thought, so I never used it.

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-31 17:52 ID:XEvQDF2a

>>4 awww man I WANT ONE!

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-01 18:34 ID:Heaven

Even Heaven?

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 18:14 ID:SfWPj7By

7th Heaven

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 18:16 ID:vsSqfA4v

God´s in his XvTYgIZL. All is right with the world.

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 18:27 ID:Heaven


10 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 22:58 ID:mtXrD5vd

Can't tell you about the id, but the ego's in DQN ^+^

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