Take the test and see how many rights you get.
5 here, but I really suck at guessing any person's nationality based on her/hir/his looks. I've seen too many mixes and too many different looking people from the same country.
This was done already
that's rather misleading.
that has nothing to do with asians looking the same.
that's like saying "all white people look the same?", then linking to a test asking what nationality random white people come from.
nationality does not equal "look", nor does nationality equal "race".
Yeah really. Can you tell a Swede from a Norwegian? No? I guess all white people look the same then.
I got 4 !!!
Some of those asians looked european!
Ken Hirai looks kinda Caucasian...weird.
6. out of 18. orz
All asians look the same, all whites look the same, and all blacks look the same.
Unless you're really familiar with a certain group of them.
Maybe it's true it is easier to recognize people of your own race, but when you're like me, absolutely shitty at face recognition, the best wawy to recognize people is their haircut, and with blacks you have it really bad.
4 out of 18 and i'm asian...shit >.<