Cosplay!!!!!!!! (8)

1 Name: Random 2006-02-18 06:01 ID:/xwdiisi

Tell me, i live in boring New Zealand:(
I love dressing up, who else out there does to?

2 Name: Brrreeeport 2006-02-18 06:18 ID:Heaven was a post I made.

Truthfully though, I was kidding about the Man-Miyu thing. Still trying to figure out who I could pull off.

And if I do it, I won't half-ass. I hate half-assed cosplay.

I feel you should try to look as much as the character as possible, including the size/shape/color you start off with, unless those things can easily be fixed. Heck, cut off your eyelashes if you have too.

That is, unless you're trying to be a joke, like Man-Faye or a box-Gundam.

3 Name: Random 2006-02-18 06:36 ID:/xwdiisi

Yay someone said somthing!!
Lol, there are no cool cosplay events or anything where i live :(

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-18 06:55 ID:JvGILIGS

5 Name: Brrreeeport 2006-02-18 22:15 ID:Heaven

>>4 is too full of... well, cosplay otaku.

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-19 12:50 ID:2xLXPkNk

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