Thread for finding "DQN" or "VIP" in your ID even if you failed the first time (492, permasaged)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-19 20:11 ID:LQcoKivf

If you find "DQN" or "VIP" in your ID: KAMI!
If you find some other interesting thing: KAMI!
Bump the thread!

        The enemy will soon arrive. 乂ID KAMI BATTLEGROUND乂

      \∧_ヘ     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ,,、,、,,, / \〇ノゝ∩ < The IP神 arrives! TO ARMS!!       ,,、,、,,,
    /三√ ゚Д゚) /   \____________  ,,、,、,,,
     /三/| ゚U゚|\      ,,、,、,,,                       ,,、,、,,,
 ,,、,、,,, U (:::::::::::)  ,,、,、,,,         \オーーーーーーーッ!!/
      //三/|三|\     ∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧
      ∪  ∪       (    )    (     )   (    )    )
 ,,、,、,,,       ,,、,、,,,  ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧
      ,,、,、,,,       (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )

Number >>950, I entrust you with making the next thread. Don't fucking wait >>991 like the last time.

319 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-11 17:57 ID:EgZWZPtM

>>318 Anonymous is hiding! Kami!!!!!!!!!!

320 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-12 02:00 ID:Heaven


Scrambled EgZ?

321 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-12 07:56 ID:Heaven

old news

322 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-12 09:49 ID:tUufAPOS

This thread is made of WIN and KAMI

323 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-12 11:26 ID:Gm2BL64S

>>322 fAP OS

324 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-12 12:56 ID:mcvS19K1

oh no! final countdown!

325 Name: jesus christ the overlord : 2006-04-12 13:09 ID:9KaycrDD

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326 Post deleted by moderator.

327 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-13 20:47 ID:kuho74rL

was >>326 saying that >>325 kaycr=k****r? ZOMFG!

328 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 00:48 ID:xWveYFXl


329 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 09:58 ID:mcvS19K1

uho ii anonymous

330 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 12:56 ID:FGktgb/B

331 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 10:04 ID:BPhwdFxG


332 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 15:39 ID:RhO8T54B


333 Name: BENOIST : 2006-04-15 16:12 ID:705dZTQr


334 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 20:12 ID:UYvAIyaE


335 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-17 03:19 ID:Heaven

lol fuck

336 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-17 22:27 ID:p/f7N6pL

do what now

337 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-17 23:37 ID:VtTVfKUi


338 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-18 03:19 ID:uFvkaYBQ


339 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-18 14:03 ID:K4Ks1gMb

あら.. 怒てしまいました T_T

340 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-19 04:22 ID:bqmgukCB

good luck

341 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-19 16:37 ID:zHxaJw8I

i'll work forever

until i get KAMI-ID

342 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-19 19:36 ID:mr7nN1nl


343 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-20 00:30 ID:jl3u9lBM

it's not always the nuns that get raped, sometimes it's the strippers

344 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-20 00:31 ID:Heaven

new IBM slogan

345 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-20 01:40 ID:RIUjOJBB

I'm trying to think how I can turn this into an amusing slogan.

346 Name: fancy : 2006-04-20 16:31 ID:P2a4BTbE

having a go at it

347 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 03:35 ID:+Gbz+FSm

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
   +     人      人      人     +
         (_)    (_)    (__)
  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
.   +   ( __ )  ( __ )  ( __ )  +
      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

348 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 03:40 ID:1nL/x5vL


349 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 06:45 ID:VtTVfKUi


350 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 09:58 ID:ytKylV4q


351 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 16:15 ID:1qgfj9ee

what what what

352 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 18:35 ID:k6SeQcqm

what what what

353 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 18:48 ID:gsqpYQJJ


354 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 20:50 ID:Heaven


>penis penis penis


355 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 01:56 ID:qOH/am+X

having a go fancying at it

356 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 05:33 ID:mXK30n6z

357 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 10:12 ID:Za94M+4G


358 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 14:09 ID:ECCFet8N

have I got it?


359 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 14:42 ID:IYXwxlIz

360 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 03:05 ID:SRUtQ/V9


361 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 08:20 ID:Heaven

SRUT is Japanese for SLUT confirm/deny

362 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 13:19 ID:mcvS19K1

deny. the correct answer is surato

363 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 18:42 ID:PMuu6SY9

Personally, I think "baita" has a better ring to it <3

364 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 20:11 ID:REVYCiAx


365 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 21:33 ID:tqyBUBCJ


366 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-24 19:26 ID:FGktgb/B


367 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-24 21:02 ID:EgZWZPtM

I'm hoping the goddess will fall out of the sky and land on my lap

368 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-25 01:41 ID:n3t30zHb

exerting myself

369 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-25 05:14 ID:rZcQGv91

good luck

370 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-25 08:29 ID:mRYUsukd

hmmm, it's been a while

371 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-25 09:14 ID:+0qOee+9

>>370 lol U sukd.

372 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 00:13 ID:TxQ2rAz2


373 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 02:40 ID:crQJm63q

For great justice!

374 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 15:15 ID:vFmz6M4N

I won't lose!

375 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 03:07 ID:K0FMk3o1

Tell me I'm pretty!

376 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 09:54 ID:mr7nN1nl

377 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 16:25 ID:Heaven

i think mr. u sukd, >>370, is the current winner of the thread

378 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 20:34 ID:krEEpg3r

oh really

379 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 22:35 ID:sj1+psWw

>>378 Really, you kreep!

380 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-28 11:58 ID:dPGwlJfd


381 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-28 15:56 ID:Heaven

382 Name: : 2006-04-28 16:01 ID:dhXC3GTE

383 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-28 22:06 ID:d8+aCpLq


384 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-28 22:40 ID:oINrMiW8


385 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-28 22:57 ID:qVlX079f


386 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-30 02:29 ID:K0sUoefk


387 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-30 05:30 ID:VX+alF3Q


388 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-30 13:47 ID:XsRmWyUk

( ゚ ヮ゚) I like posting!

389 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-30 18:28 ID:lbMpmlBs


390 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-30 19:32 ID:/2BHide9


391 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-30 21:52 ID:2L6f+FMq


392 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-01 14:49 ID:xhi5ucAq


393 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-01 21:37 ID:K0sUoefk


394 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-02 02:06 ID:Heaven


I wanted 400GET!

395 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-02 03:47 ID:pY1L/FZI

can I getGET

396 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-02 22:55 ID:wU7A22fI


397 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-03 00:00 ID:uk7JhpPJ


398 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-03 04:53 ID:Heaven


399 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-03 04:53 ID:p/f7N6pL


400 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ : 2006-05-03 06:27 ID:Za94M+4G


401 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-03 12:53 ID:EgZWZPtM

In Heaven, everything is fine.

402 Name: waros : 2006-05-03 14:12 ID:6CJtHRsS

403 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-03 21:21 ID:2hkUCr3z

I'm sad because Anonymous didn't 400GET

404 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-03 22:21 ID:Za94M+4G

heh, I didn't even notice that I got 400. (Or that my name was in there :p)

405 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-04 13:06 ID:BPhwdFxG


406 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-04 20:00 ID:Gyvzpppn


407 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-04 23:26 ID:tJyCQm9J


408 Name: : 2006-05-05 08:35 ID:YSiqXgJm

409 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-05 12:28 ID:Djrse2Yp

lol yo yo yo yo ID ID ID ID

410 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-06 00:49 ID:bLR5ZfiH


411 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-06 01:28 ID:NopGVwzP


412 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-06 04:55 ID:NdWHaqVV

can I again?

413 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-07 02:57 ID:XgMxZt1Z

trying for ever

414 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-07 06:49 ID:W1JbNino

Tor test

415 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-07 06:50 ID:QZ9UKB+1

Tor-less test

416 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-07 06:50 ID:bLCdwK14

The wonders of modern technology!

417 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-07 18:53 ID:8VQrVyN6

spawn more overlords

418 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-07 19:51 ID:s/Y260ze

I wanna test Tor too...

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.