The Holocaust - never happened? (75)

17 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-20 21:20 ID:VoQ9I3HA


Thank you, Mr. Random Anonymous. That was easier than I thought. All I had to do was objectively state the truth in a neutral manner without giving preference or deference to any one side.

I did not know that there were "protected" races, religions, or creeds in the world but I am wrong.

I mean who cares about 20 million Russians(some of which were Jewish too) or almost 60 million Africans(black Africans at that) total throughout the 20th century?

6 Million people who subscribed to the jewish religion in Germany were slaughtered!!

I'm sorry. The Holocaust was the absolute worst loss of human life in the 20th Century. What was I thinking? /end sarcasm.

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