What do you think of Japan? (168)

124 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-10 23:57 ID:u4d3yiFA

In my opinion, every country is great, and every country sucks. Every place in the world has good things and bad things about it. Anyone who wastes time saying that this country or that country sucks, and that theirs is the absolute best ever is an idiot. No matter which country you're bashing.

Personally, I'm from the US. It's not perfect, sure, but my life hasn't been half bad. I've never been oppressed, I have a house and food, and have been educated well. I don't see any reason to say that some country or another is better or worse than this one.

(In before someone says I'm just a stupid fat AmeriKKKan who has no idea what life is like outside his country)

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