Coca Cola (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-12 13:59 ID:ZYwBVv6u

I think I'm addicted to Coke.

This weekend i've drank ~5 litres.

I'm drinking some right now.

I bet my pee will be black.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-12 14:18 ID:W5VmxF5L

I like A-ha. taaaaaaaakkeeeeeeee ooooooonnnnn meeee!!!!!!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-12 14:54 ID:ZYwBVv6u


Really? I'm maybe seeing them live in August.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-12 17:27 ID:oUYjKuXy

Drink moar Pepsi

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-13 07:52 ID:hdaTP77l

Yeah, I like Pepsi too. Variation is nice.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-20 12:15 ID:Oc1EJKnS

Coca cola is better then Pepsi, thats a fact :P

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-20 14:14 ID:oUYjKuXy

>>6 lies.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-20 15:21 ID:PmKObzsA

What about Dr. Pepper?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-20 15:59 ID:BTT+4esJ

I used to be addicted to coke, too. I got rid of that problem by developing an addiction to smack instead.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-20 19:47 ID:Heaven

How's that going?

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-20 23:08 ID:Heaven is probably a better place for this!

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