We should talk on Skype! (168)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-13 03:10 ID:QC5fZeX+

I got a good idea! We create anonymous names and voicechat to each other on Skype?

111 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-13 13:10 ID:uEDwdUSv

let's meet up at 8:00

112 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-13 13:10 ID:uEDwdUSv

>>111 is DQN

113 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-13 17:34 ID:4jjGYnXl

how about this Friday at 10:00 EST

114 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-13 20:01 ID:eVQZ35Do

Teamspeak is fail for not having something that runs on anything that isnt Windows >:(

So Skype is good. Add me: privacymyass

115 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-13 20:39 ID:uEDwdUSv

>>111-112 have the same ID. retards.

116 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 03:11 ID:Heaven

>>114 I see versions for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X http://www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads

117 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 03:12 ID:s9DBQbpd

118 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 08:24 ID:R3eAQ7NX

still fail for not having something that runs on anything that isn't x86 or ppc

119 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 09:10 ID:Heaven

My aim is Kumquats28199.

I am lonley. please entertain me.

120 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 10:13 ID:Heaven


wtf else is there? and dont tell me you're running netbsd on your dreamcast...

121 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 12:19 ID:Heaven

alpha, sparc

122 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 16:17 ID:P05CvOoz

Okay, so 7 PST.
I'll try to be there.

123 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 17:41 ID:XdA7M2OE

As will I.

124 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 18:01 ID:Heaven

And we will be using that TeamSpeak server instead of Skype, yes?

125 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 19:31 ID:P05CvOoz


Seems that way.

126 Name: squeeks : 2006-04-14 20:34 ID:eVQZ35Do

I might be on, if I'm awake at the time.

127 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-14 22:49 ID:Heaven

Although it will start at 10 EST, I'm sure there are people who can talk later than that. Unless you mean you will be asleep by then.

128 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:13 ID:Ts1WYYfQ

So, where are we meeting?

129 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:23 ID:Heaven

right now. it's already begun. There are 4 of us. one's an honest-to-god GIRL.

130 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:23 ID:Heaven

right now. it's already begun. There are 4 of us. one's an honest-to-god GIRL.

131 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:24 ID:Heaven

we're meeting now! and there's actually a GIRL logged on, too!

132 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:31 ID:Ts1WYYfQ

you guys are funny.

133 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:33 ID:Heaven

134 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:39 ID:Heaven



135 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 02:50 ID:Ts1WYYfQ


Who cares?  ( ・∀・)

136 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 03:02 ID:O9VwrgCG

and now we're talking about our favorite residents of Needler hall!

137 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 03:05 ID:+7D5cCmP

I have pics of the GIRL email me if you want them.

138 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 03:37 ID:+7D5cCmP

139 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 04:00 ID:Heaven

I don't like her music

140 Name: Guest4 : 2006-04-15 05:13 ID:+7D5cCmP

Well that was fun guys, I'm even getting a 4-ch shirt! Stop masturbating and talk more next time!

See you next meeting, which hopefully won't take like a month like this one did.

141 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 05:31 ID:Ts1WYYfQ

Anyone want to try to get together again tomorrow night?

142 Name: Guest2 : 2006-04-15 06:06 ID:Heaven

I was too busy masturbating while browsing 4chan. Sorry.

143 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 10:36 ID:Heaven

I visited a /b/tard conversation on teamspeak, it was hilarious

144 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 15:38 ID:lQKcPDhH


145 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 15:45 ID:eVQZ35Do

same time tomorrow? sounds good?

146 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 20:12 ID:q4v34qC/

Sure if I can.

Tomorrow as in Saturday or Sunday?

147 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 20:13 ID:Ts1WYYfQ

I'm guessing Saturday?

148 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 04:17 ID:Heaven

Well I got on at 10 EST but nobody else was on and I didn't want to be the only person there when someone else came in so yeah :_(

149 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 14:24 ID:7Xinm9du

EST = GMT-???

150 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 18:53 ID:P05CvOoz

GMT -5, I think

151 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 21:26 ID:P05CvOoz

So, anyone up for this time again?

152 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 01:55 ID:7G4cR4Ho

We'll see how things go

153 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 02:26 ID:Ts1WYYfQ

If some people will show up, I'm good for it.

154 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 03:14 ID:Heaven

right now in the U.S.
EST = GMT -4 (daylight savings time)

155 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 03:45 ID:Heaven


156 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 15:38 ID:Heaven

blush you're right, sorry!

157 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-29 04:28 ID:QC5fZeX+

I'm on skype for a little while right now. My name on skype is iyaaaaitsfukuchan , so hit me up! or erm..whatever its called

158 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-31 20:46 ID:gR9BAmYn


159 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-31 20:48 ID:gR9BAmYn

skype: privacymyass

I'm bored. hit me up before I go to bed :(

160 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-12 02:32 ID:+GMcd8Gg

Hello, I am >>1 I'd like to do this again. Or is there already another topic for this?

161 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-12 03:18 ID:Ac7KJzoV

If I had a mic I would allow all of you to hear my sexy masculine voice.


162 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-13 01:15 ID:NTMXrCOK

I don't think so, I wasn't at the last one so I'd totally be up for it.

163 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-13 04:00 ID:w5Ld3iyp

What on Earth would we have to say to eachother?

164 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-13 07:41 ID:Ac7KJzoV




165 Name: Default : 2007-10-13 17:11 ID:TTcxphNL

Um... I dunno. What we usually say here?

166 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-17 17:24 ID:IxrmhEWa

I'd be down for doing it. It looks like fun.

167 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-17 20:06 ID:7LF77I49

>>159 You are the coolest man in the world. No, really.

168 Post deleted.

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