I got a good idea! We create anonymous names and voicechat to each other on Skype?
i have skype but i feel odd talking to annonymous people on the net ~"~
yeah it would be fun
You can have 10 people at once if you have an intel dual core...
or the hacked binary
The greatest thing about the internet is how it has let me use my phone much less! What's with people who actually want phones?
well the good thing about skype is that its free and you can talk as along as you want. i actualy talked to a jap girl for 6 hours on it _| ̄|○" but really can you guys think of anything to say if you guys are talking on skype??
What's with this 10 call on intel dual core? I know that's a soft limit... Could you potentially have a 25 call, but the powers that be just want to prevent it? I find it hard to believe that our current computers can handle so many different p2p connections as is the case for torrent, but can't handle more than 10 phone-type connections.
It probably has more to do with not getting a conference so crowded that nobody has a chance to talk.
Hmm... I just downloaded teamspeak and tried it. Plenty of empty public servers with massive max capability.
You can make your own channels in the server, you don't have to pick a username, and the only possible information it seems to give on the user is the OS type.
2 words guys, for total anonymity, voice changer
I've been on ventrilo/teamspeak with 100s of people before, but that was mostly for raids and not general converstation.
They just want more money.
I take it you run your text sentences through the AOL-izer just in case someone might recognise your style.
never been on a raid. I feel like i'm missing out :(
awesome, now we really have no idea who you are! ('-')b
hey, wouldn't it be a good idea for someone to make a whole bunch of accounts and post the names and passwords here? That way you could pick a random one and be semi-anonymous
ok now what is ii idea.
So..... yaranaika?
Is there going to be anything? It would be better if >>1-san decided what time we chould chat...and it would probably be better to pick a saturday or a sunday because many of us live in different time-zones
is same person as: http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1124969249/149
>>33 lol
hey, I'm not >>1-san but I'll arbitrarily pick a time once I get my headset replaced. (a few days from now!)
I would be interested in talking to my fellow 4-ch'ers.
If I had a working micophone, I'd be up for this. Seriously.
I should also get that speeling checkler working as well while I'm at it :(
how do i microphone
How much should a cheap microphone cost, anyway?
a canadian dollar at the local dollar store
If anyone wants to talk on skype tonight I'll be on at about 9 PM EST. (unless you all want to do it at a different time.
Add me to your contacts with "4-ch" somewhere in the message and I'll invite everyone to a voice conference, although there can only be 4 others besides me.
My username on Skype is iyaaaaitsfukuchan
Sounds good! I will try to be on around 9:30 or 10!
Darn you >>46 for not coming on skype!
btw >>22 's ID is 4x4RG/Yl why is this cool? Because RG-32 is a mineproof 4x4 light armored vehicle! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RG-32
Hi! This was "needles"! It was fun on Skype! If you guys plan another time, post it here and I will participate better!
That wasn't too bad! The next meeting will be next Saturday at 9:30 PM EST!
I might have to do this next time. But I still think using something other than skype would be good for more than 5-10 people. I'm not setting up a phone conf for you ingrates though.
Hey...can we move the time some hours so we Europeans can participate too? ^^ I suggest 7:00 PM EST, then it is midnight here in central Europe...
What about some kind of chatroom for those of us too poor to afford a microphone?
So... what sorts of things were discussed?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Well I guess we talked about such things as... kappa mikey, what is a good anime to watch, nintendo ds, emoticons, orz, podcasting, and myspace!
Sounds like I missed out. (´・ω・`)
(´・ω・`) hey...is it possible for you guys to move the schedule so the chat next Saturday starts two or three hours earlier? 9:00 PM EST is 2:00 AM in Europe...OTL
Well I will be at MIDSOUTHCON next Saturday so I won't be able to make it anyhow :_(
Same here. I wonder if it'll be worth my time?
I work until 9:00 on Saturday so I guess I could move it a day back to 7:00 PM on Friday. Is that alright with you guys?
And someone else could start a conference @ 2 hours earlier on Saturday, also. (not me)
Wouldn't it make more sense to create a ventrilo or teamspeak server where people can drop in whenever they want besides the more organized gatherings set up here
Do we have an IRC channel?
I wouldn't wanna have to use the 4chan one :/
4-ch quality would be much higher
4chan and 4-ch have nothing to do with each other (afaik)
notice that the sidebar says "#4-ch@ZiRC"
I never even looked ;;
I mean to say, 4-ch > 4chan, if you want to talk about something. Using 4chan IRC would be like embracing /b/
It is kind of funny that in 76 posts we accomplished one meeting of four people so far :_(
I am all for moving it to Friday at some time. Or we could do one Friday and Saturday?
What I think is a good idea is for everyone that wants to talk on Skype to make an account now and post their usernames here for everyone else to add. Then people that want to talk on Friday and/or Saturday night can turn on Skype that night and wait for other people to get on and invite them or be invited to chat! Is that intelligible?
Dude, teamspeak. More people can come in, free servers, you automatically get Anonymous-like names (like guest1.)
All you have to do is like tho where people can download the client and the server/channel we'll be using. I'll try to be there.
I think TeamSpeak would be better too, but nobody seemed to want to do it :(
# http://www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads
# Install
# Run, setup volume levels, probably a push to talk key
# Join whatever server someone comes up with (http://www.google.com/search?q=free+teamspeak+server&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official)
I ended up going out to dinner. Just as well I guess as no one seems to have set something up. =(
I'm at MidSouthCon, but I don't have a microphone.... :(
I'm there in spirit though!
I will be there with my friends Saturday and Sunday (´∀` )
Look for the funny-looking guy in the glasses and gray 4-ch shirt. ( '_')b
>>well the good thing about skype is that its free and you can talk as along as you want. i actualy talked to a jap girl for 6 hours on it
He's not asking for help, you don't need details. Mind your own business.
Besides, I think he covered it in /love/ already. Check there.
"covered it" is somewhat of an undersatatement, he talks about it in every thread he posts in (so, pretty much every thread on the board)
hmmmm, anonymus skype talking, me like
Bringing this back to the top. If I can dig up a microphone, I'll try to be around tonight.
Anyone on tonight?
Ok I am "richuncleskeleton" so join up the chat!!!
I'm trying. My microphone is nearly older than I am and I'm not sure if it still works.
Alright, I'm registered as "lclpuddle". But it's too late tonight... when does anyone want to have another meeting?
why don't you just pick a time and ask people to yea or nay it
to the one deciding the time: Please think of us Europeans! ;_;
I don't wanna stay up to around ~3AM...
Silly Europeans. Don't you know the world revolves around us fat Americans? ^_^
I'll be there this week. Just decide on a time.
The world revolves you because you are so fat (gravity field and all). ;)
I'm going to be a unavailable for a few weeks but I might give anon-skype a try after that. It both intrigues me and scares me.
Friday or Saturday around 9:00 p.m. seems to be the usual agreement. Well I'm in U.S. Central. Any time is good for me, really.
so how bout that skype guyz
Kay, my name is "AnimeJanai"
...not sure how this works, though.
Teamspeak instructions!:
That's all!
We must organise a time to be on that TS server!
let's meet up at 8:00