I got a good idea! We create anonymous names and voicechat to each other on Skype?
Do we have an IRC channel?
I wouldn't wanna have to use the 4chan one :/
4-ch quality would be much higher
4chan and 4-ch have nothing to do with each other (afaik)
notice that the sidebar says "#4-ch@ZiRC"
I never even looked ;;
I mean to say, 4-ch > 4chan, if you want to talk about something. Using 4chan IRC would be like embracing /b/
It is kind of funny that in 76 posts we accomplished one meeting of four people so far :_(
I am all for moving it to Friday at some time. Or we could do one Friday and Saturday?
What I think is a good idea is for everyone that wants to talk on Skype to make an account now and post their usernames here for everyone else to add. Then people that want to talk on Friday and/or Saturday night can turn on Skype that night and wait for other people to get on and invite them or be invited to chat! Is that intelligible?
Dude, teamspeak. More people can come in, free servers, you automatically get Anonymous-like names (like guest1.)
All you have to do is like tho where people can download the client and the server/channel we'll be using. I'll try to be there.
I think TeamSpeak would be better too, but nobody seemed to want to do it :(
# http://www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads
# Install
# Run, setup volume levels, probably a push to talk key
# Join whatever server someone comes up with (http://www.google.com/search?q=free+teamspeak+server&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official)
I ended up going out to dinner. Just as well I guess as no one seems to have set something up. =(
I'm at MidSouthCon, but I don't have a microphone.... :(
I'm there in spirit though!
I will be there with my friends Saturday and Sunday (´∀` )
Look for the funny-looking guy in the glasses and gray 4-ch shirt. ( '_')b
>>well the good thing about skype is that its free and you can talk as along as you want. i actualy talked to a jap girl for 6 hours on it
He's not asking for help, you don't need details. Mind your own business.
Besides, I think he covered it in /love/ already. Check there.
"covered it" is somewhat of an undersatatement, he talks about it in every thread he posts in (so, pretty much every thread on the board)
hmmmm, anonymus skype talking, me like
Bringing this back to the top. If I can dig up a microphone, I'll try to be around tonight.
Anyone on tonight?
Ok I am "richuncleskeleton" so join up the chat!!!
I'm trying. My microphone is nearly older than I am and I'm not sure if it still works.
Alright, I'm registered as "lclpuddle". But it's too late tonight... when does anyone want to have another meeting?
why don't you just pick a time and ask people to yea or nay it
to the one deciding the time: Please think of us Europeans! ;_;
I don't wanna stay up to around ~3AM...
Silly Europeans. Don't you know the world revolves around us fat Americans? ^_^
I'll be there this week. Just decide on a time.
The world revolves you because you are so fat (gravity field and all). ;)
I'm going to be a unavailable for a few weeks but I might give anon-skype a try after that. It both intrigues me and scares me.
Friday or Saturday around 9:00 p.m. seems to be the usual agreement. Well I'm in U.S. Central. Any time is good for me, really.
so how bout that skype guyz
Kay, my name is "AnimeJanai"
...not sure how this works, though.
Teamspeak instructions!:
That's all!
We must organise a time to be on that TS server!
let's meet up at 8:00
how about this Friday at 10:00 EST
Teamspeak is fail for not having something that runs on anything that isnt Windows >:(
So Skype is good. Add me: privacymyass
>>114 I see versions for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X http://www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads
still fail for not having something that runs on anything that isn't x86 or ppc
My aim is Kumquats28199.
I am lonley. please entertain me.
wtf else is there? and dont tell me you're running netbsd on your dreamcast...
As will I.
And we will be using that TeamSpeak server instead of Skype, yes?
Although it will start at 10 EST, I'm sure there are people who can talk later than that. Unless you mean you will be asleep by then.
So, where are we meeting?
right now. it's already begun. There are 4 of us. one's an honest-to-god GIRL.
right now. it's already begun. There are 4 of us. one's an honest-to-god GIRL.
we're meeting now! and there's actually a GIRL logged on, too!
you guys are funny.
and now we're talking about our favorite residents of Needler hall!
I have pics of the GIRL email me if you want them.
here is her myspace http://www.myspace.com/lesliehall
Well that was fun guys, I'm even getting a 4-ch shirt! Stop masturbating and talk more next time!
See you next meeting, which hopefully won't take like a month like this one did.
Anyone want to try to get together again tomorrow night?
I was too busy masturbating while browsing 4chan. Sorry.
I visited a /b/tard conversation on teamspeak, it was hilarious
Sure if I can.
Tomorrow as in Saturday or Sunday?
I'm guessing Saturday?
Well I got on at 10 EST but nobody else was on and I didn't want to be the only person there when someone else came in so yeah :_(
EST = GMT-???
If some people will show up, I'm good for it.
right now in the U.S.
EST = GMT -4 (daylight savings time)
I'm on skype for a little while right now. My name on skype is iyaaaaitsfukuchan , so hit me up! or erm..whatever its called
skype: privacymyass
I'm bored. hit me up before I go to bed :(
Hello, I am >>1 I'd like to do this again. Or is there already another topic for this?
If I had a mic I would allow all of you to hear my sexy masculine voice.
I don't think so, I wasn't at the last one so I'd totally be up for it.
What on Earth would we have to say to eachother?
Um... I dunno. What we usually say here?
I'd be down for doing it. It looks like fun.
>>159 You are the coolest man in the world. No, really.