Computer skills (hate em sometimes?) (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 03:40 ID:HqgMptB3

im sure, those here, who are technical savvy, have had many friends, family, or even people you dont even freakin know ask you for help when they get a virus, or how to use a program, or install hardware, or etc. But, anyone else get annoyed by this? i for one hate it to the core. people asking me for help with computers, has become the bane of my existence.

EVERYONE i know, literally, everyone i know has asked me for help on computer related problems. the thing is, after i help them, it makes me feel so, used. this one girl, shes an idiot with computers, ALWAYS asks me for help, then i just realized she was just using me, so now, i tell her, ok ill help, but, gimme a blowjob.

recently, my uncle asked me for help on dvd burning, and when i couldnt help him, cuz it was over the phone, and he sucks at describing stuff, my dad yelled at me, cuz he thought i was holding back, or being lazy, when i honestly couldnt explain it to him.

crazy thing is, i dont stop myself from helping people out, even if i tell myself, NO DONT BE THEIR BITCH. i help anyway, cuz when i see them making such stupid dumbass mistakes, or taking such stupid approaches, i just cant help myself and give them a tip, or, something, so fucking gay

honestly, i wish i never learned how to fix a computer, it gives me a headache now. so, anyone wanna share their stories for their own computer helping headaches?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 04:30 ID:V7Jyn+BA

I've never really had a problem being my family's computer bitch. Maybe I just haven't been disillusioned yet, but I enjoy getting the chance to work on computers, even if it's for ususally lame reasons that they don't know what they're doing. Besides, a twenty's a twenty, right?

God in heaven, I wish I could get them all using Firefox though. Even though I explain to them 'use Firefox/Thunderbird, don't download weird shit like "Super Duper Spyware Killmachine" or "CometCursor" or "Happy Puppy Screensaver", etc. , update your definitions regularly, &c.' it doesn't work.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 05:25 ID:itZScxfV

>Even though I explain to them 'use Firefox/Thunderbird, don't download weird shit like "Super Duper Spyware Killmachine" or "CometCursor" or "Happy Puppy Screensaver", etc. , update your definitions regularly, &c.' it doesn't work.

That's because there's always someone to fix it when something goes wrong.
The next time someone asks you to help them, just say "fucking google it."

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 05:48 ID:IUCv5NnK

>I've never really had a problem being my family's computer bitch. Maybe I just haven't been disillusioned yet, but I enjoy getting the chance to work on computers, even if it's for ususally lame reasons that they don't know what they're doing. Besides, a twenty's a twenty, right?

Heh, same. They don't pay me, though. But, I do still live with them at twenty, so I figure I owe them something...

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 08:24 ID:Syj3j6NE

It's no problem for me.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 13:02 ID:1aQ03niA

I tend to help people with computer problems.

You must realize that a lot of them, unlike most of us, were not born with a computer, and that computers are still very hard to use for most people, there is still a lot of work to do to make them easier to use without dumbing them down.

But of course, you need to get something out of the deal if you help somebody often. Most people aren't assholes about this, and they will be glad to do something for you, because being indebted to somebody for a long time is not a nice feeling

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 13:08 ID:1aQ03niA

And BTW, if you have to deal with somebody who download spyware crap but is clueless, here's a good technique:

People have some important data on their computers, and clueless people never have any backup.

Just pretend for 10 minutes that their data was wiped. Appear to try VERY hard to recover it. Once it is recovered, explain why they shouldn't download any of this shit - you can be sure they'll listen then.

It's not nice, but it makes the threat real enough for them.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 14:10 ID:3VeegQ3V


yeah I sometimes get the same thing. Might I suggest never to play a support priest in RO or any other support characters in MMORPG. I can see many parallels that you wouldn't be fond of

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 17:32 ID:o4rMFzqi

I have fixed my neighbours computer ~uncountable times.

After I'd reformatted their drive and installed XP on their computer, his mom came up and was disappointet that the old wallpaper was gone.

Almost bit my tongue off.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 18:47 ID:DvldABVW


That would work, but none of them ever have anything on their computers worth saving - all they use them for is playing solitare and sending 47th-generation forwards.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 19:35 ID:1bGQlbh7

I hate it because I usually lose patience while explaining stuff.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 20:36 ID:Bo1P0sW3

Have you tried doing basic security stuff? Install and configure a firewall and antivirus? I like Zone alarm and free Avg. Install and configure spyware removal. I use spybot and adaware. This was what I did before I took the plunge with Linux.

Now, I can use the excuse that since I no longer use Windows, I only know outdated information about how to fix up Windows related stuff.

If they ask recommendations for what computer hardware to buy, recommend a mac. They won't be troubled by malware and viruses using a mac.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-15 09:35 ID:Heaven

Don't understimate the worth of a few unbackupped photos

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-15 15:51 ID:Heaven

What really sucks is when you really don't know that much about fixing computers, especially windows shit, but you have to force yourself to learn it because everyone around you is whining for help.

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