Passport Case (6)

1 Name: kamal : 2006-03-18 06:51 ID:QgvhXzf7

I'm going backpacking in Japan this summer, and I'm looking for some sort of hard, plastic case to hold my passport that I can just put at the bottom of my backpack and forget until it's time to leave. Does anyone know of something like this?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-18 08:16 ID:1yvvu4+j

I'll come along and hold it for you. ;)

Oh, and 2get.

3 Name: kamal : 2006-03-18 08:33 ID:Heaven

oh and it has to be pinku (thats japanese for pink btw)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-18 15:54 ID:65LrUMwd

And it must be 10-20 bux.

5 Name: kamal : 2006-03-18 23:54 ID:QgvhXzf7

Pink is nice, but other colors are fine.

i would like it to be cheap, yes.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-19 17:27 ID:Heaven


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