The issue of global warming tends to be hotly debated in many fora all over the web. However, they generally get stuck in visions of doom and insult. Taking global warming as a given, the purpose of this thread is to take a look at possible causes for global warming.
While there is a host of papers about the cause being pollution of the atmosphere, there are plenty of reasons that can account for global warming other than human meddling.
I will try to moderate on this thread, recapping every now and then the main contributions and developments of the argument. Please take care to phrase your thoughts as structured as possible in a format that is pleasant to read. Also please refrain from insulting people who are trying to contribute to this thread*.
After that tediously boring introduction, I leave the keys to be tapped by you! take care.
*That means: if you needlessly interrupt, you're not taken seriously!
Primary Cause: The rampant culling of Pirates.