I'm Norwegian! (35)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-26 11:10 ID:Heaven

The greatness of Norge:

1) Public scools that mainly sucks.

  • Like they don't suck in the rest of world...

2) A capitalist/socialist goverment with a capitalist marked.

  • OMG you're so special!!!1 Sweden, Finland, Denmark...

3) Not a member of EU , but a member of NATO.

  • Now that is sin. Just like Turkey!

4) We eat bread and drink lots of milk.

  • And here in the rest of the world we obviously don't drink milk and eat bread...AT ALL! LOL

5) We don't make alot of export stuff , but have alot of fish that we export to japan and oil that we export to the rest of world.

  • What can I say, no wonder the Japanese commit so many suicides: norsk fisk! XD

6) We also invented the paper clip and started the development of the jet turbine.

  • Oh my God the world is indebted to you forever and ever for making such vital inventions...

7) We are only 5million , and in my city there are only 10k people.

  • Oh please five million is a lot. But you still have the smallest population compared to other Nordic countries. And that sucks ne.

8) There are seldom crime , but when it happens its big.

  • ::cough::OOKII USO!::cough::

9) We have alot of SNOW , now it's like 1m or somthing.

  • We have snow as well. I feel special.

Now we kan have ett party! Yayy

Taaaakeeeee ooooooonnnnnn meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Gay muzak comes fra Norge!

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