in this case, you just might have to accept that it's really complicated. stuff life fserving on IRC is a hack of a hack of a hack, and it's not exactly designed to be user friendly. Your best bet is to just try it yourself, follow the instructions as best you can and see how it all shows up on the screen. once you do it a few times you get the hang of it, it's like riding a bike.
lol. well okay I guess I should be more specific.. What's a trigger?? I'll go thru the steps again tomorrow, and be more awake but yea if maybe even someone could just post a list of these basic definitions?? Then whilst going thru the directons I wouldn't be all like google :_____ this and that. Meh.
a trigger is like a private message you send to someone to say you want to download their files. they're all listed when you type !list and they all begin with /ctcp. for instance, "/ctcp Kira-chan Mmm! EoP Scanlations!" is the example given in your first post. once you send that message, you get a window where you can use cd and dir and stuff to download their files.
see I got the /ctcp. But private message, mkay. Thanks. I guess I'm not good with computers same reason as math, it isn't something that's physical all the time so I don't always grasp the terminology. But thank you. That makes sense. I'm assuming tho, that this private message isn't like a concious message, like not something the user responds to manually? Or is it?
Which user? If you mean the fserve, no, nobody responds to it manually. It's all automated.
Think of a 'trigger' as something that triggers something else to happen. The user won't respond to /ctcp triggers, they are automatic accept, if you can connect. An fserve is a person's server that allows others to download from them.
Type !list into the channel, and a shitload of colourful text will appear. You only need to do this once, and if you do not like what you see, leaving and rejoining the channel won't change the triggers listed by !list. Fserve triggers are '/ctcp [username] [words]'. Copy and paste the /ctcp trigger into the channel, which will trigger a DCC 'chat' with them. (It's not really a chat, it's all automatic) A box will pop up asking you about the chat, so press ACCEPT.
If a box doesn't pop up for you, you may need to switch your server by typing '/dccserver +sc on 59', or disable you hostmast by typing '/mode [yournick] -x, or the user is just unable too, due to some other reason. If you do not recieve a chat invitation box, don't send it to them more than once; it will 'flood' there server and cause them to disconnect. There are 2 kinds of chats you can have with them.
1) In the chat there will be intructions or a list of triggers to use. Don't spend large amounts of time reading personal messages, because many users limit the amount of time you are allowed in the chats. Type 'dir' to list all the possible folders or files. Files are listed in lowercase letters and have the extention listed. (example: Folders are in capital letters (example: YAOI LOVE) You will have to know the specific file you are looking for, otherwise you will download something you don't want. Know the scanlator group first, otherwise you will be lost, since most fserves organize their yaoi files according to groups. To explore folders, you must type 'dir [folder name]' (example: 'dir YAOI LOVE) If you see a file you want, you will type 'get [filename]' (example: 'get This will either send you the file, to which you will press ACCEPT in the box that is similiar to accepting a fserve chat request, put it in queue, or say "All queue slots are full." In queue means it's waiting to be recieved, and the number of queues listed for the file is how many other people need to download the file first. (example: 'Adding your file to queue slot 3') You can only queue a limited number of files to a user, which is listed in their trigger. Pick a trigger with the least number of queues.
Kira-chan- [Fserve Active] - Triggers:[/ctcp Kira-chan Mmm! EoP Scanlations! & /ctcp Kira-chan oooh~ other yaoi okashi!] - Users:[0/2] - Sends:[1/1] - Queues:[0/9]
This person has 0 queues, meaning they will send the file to you without wait. Get it?
2) Number based trigger. It is much more simplier. All you need to do is type the number to the left of the files and folders to get to where you want. You will not use 'dir' and 'get' in these triggers. The numbers will usually be a different colour than the other text.
I hope you are not confused? If you need more help, tell me to email you or something. I too am a yaoi fan, and I have knowledge of IRC that may be useful. (There are probably alot of typos, sorry.)
yay! I will totaly read this tomorrow when I'm awake! Thank you!
I hear #4chan on Rizon has a lot of fservers.
bumping because this post contains the truth, the complete truth and nothing but the truth
Shouldn't this go in Internet Addicts or Tech or something?
By the time I looked at other boards I had already stuck this here. So bear with me :P