Let's talk about how college/high school sucks (48)

28 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-04 14:54 ID:sY1CBG1n

heh, well, look at me.

I started off taking classes at a community college 4 years ago during high school for high school and college credit. After I finished high school (with a perfect GPA!) I decided, heck, might as well spend the next year finishing up at this CC and then transfer into a 4-year as Uppergrad.

...hasn't happened yet. I had one a few more classes to take before I fulfilled the two years requirements for Computer Information Systems, only to notice that most of the colleges I was considering didn't really offer majors in that. After that my father pretty much convinced me that I would make more money majoring in Computer Science, which is pretty popular at most colleges, so I moved back in with my family to go to a CC near them that did offer Computer Science....unfortunatly though, I was missing two and a half years of math requirements, on top of a few other things.

Not to mention, I'm a lazy guy, so I would rather be messing around with computer applications in an office somewhere than staying up late working on a programming assignment with my deadline coming up. And although I was fantastic with math in high school, not having done it for a while had made me rusty, and I now get a headache from it.

...So, at least one more year until I can transfer to a 4 year, but that's life.

My future plan is to graduate college, save up enough money to buy a house, and then maybe invest enough in bonds so that I don't have to work much and can sit around being lazy.

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