[opinions wanted] Essay topic [human internet interactions] (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-09 10:02 ID:x01xyr0Z

In my English course we are to write a 5-10 page-essay on some topic. I'm strongly contemplating writing a piece comparing online behavior with irl behavior, with the goal of pointing out that the two are two very related sides of the same thing.
I'm hopeful, since it's a topic that pisses me off a lot and so I'm more of worried about being able to limit it to 10 pages (double spaced lines, so that's only five pages of normal text). However, the text wouldn't be aimless ranting. I'm a firm believer of logic and would strive to achive a clear and efficient essay. I want to get a damned good grade, so I'm more keen on completely abandoning this idea if i can't manage to pull it off well enough, than to stick to it and not do so.

[ RANT - skip if wanted]
But yes, what I qualify as a human's personality, is everything the person contains, both outwards behaviour, as well as hir thoughts and values. Apparently, there are a lot of people who only count their behaviour to other people as their personality, like the guy who kept acting polite to people but kept being seriously pissed off at them behind their backs and spending a lot of time imagining horrible things happening to people for his own amusement. He then acted as a complete jerk online, and excused his online behavior with that "i'm not really like that". Bullshit I say, who you are isn't defined by just the mask you put on, because that mask varies on the circumstances. Just because someone can be really nice doesn't mean they can't be complete jerks as well.
Who you are are all the values you contain, and if those values allow you to be a complete jerk when you think you can get away with it, then you are that as well.
[ / RANT ]

So yes, think i'll manage to pull it off well enough?
Alternative suggestions for essay topics?
Does anyone know of any good solid examples to use?

I'm gonna be using Google and Wikipedia a lot, and hopefully some paperbooks on psychology and etc. If I write about this, then I want to write a damned good essay I can hit people in the head with when they try to pretend they're onedimensional characters without the slightest hint of a real personality.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-09 15:32 ID:Heaven

My suggestion is to head to your nearest university library. Google and Wikipedia should not be providing your primary sources.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-15 04:35 ID:Heaven

Wikipedia's fine if you check their sources for more info; it's not like anyone is fooled by a vandal's attacks, and you should be able to pick out well-written stuff from the chaff and hearsay. There's plenty of certifiable sites you can Google for too, just know what's good and not.

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