The Cave Story Rap (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 02:35 ID:JyNTtcEo

Hey guys. So I wrote a rap for the Cave Story theme over the past week, and I thought it would be pretty hilarious to perform. Problem is, I tried actually doing it and either I'm mixing things wrong or my voice just sucks. Either way, the end result was painful. So, instead, I shall give you the background MP3 and the lyrics, and the green light to RAP IT YOURSELF!

Contest rules:

  1. You can change the lyrics however much you want, as long as it's a Cave Story rap. Feel free to just use the thread to improve on my lyrics and make them funnier.
  2. There is no deadline.
  3. If one of the remixes is absolutely superb, I will award it the prize of my own embarrasingly suck-ass performance.


(spoilers ahead)

Are you tired of your video games?
Shoot a gun, kill a nun, there's no fun, it's all the same
Looking for originality, paying 50 bucks a pop but all you get is banality
Well, wake up, kid, and rescue me
I'm waiting for a player, hop on, the price is free
You might call it a fantasy, but the name we like to give it is Cave Story!

My name is Quote, although I didn't find that out till recently
Curly Brace, she's the one who told me
She's a girl, you jerk, there ain't no Moe or Larry
Don't get her mad, guys, she's pretty damn scary
We were scouting robots for the Doctor's plan
He was looking for the Demon Crown to rule the land
Most of us died in the war, that's true
But we fought back together, just us two
So he split us apart and threw us underground
It was safe, so he thought, cause we'd never be found
But he was wrong, I woke up in a stanky old cave
I didn't know who I was, but I was feeling pretty brave
So I stole a Shooting Star from a guy in a shack
And I went outside to see why everything was so whack
And that's the name of the game, guys, that's the name of the game

So if you're tired of Halo every day
Or mowing down old ladies in GTA
I've heard of a title that you can try
Takes place on an island floating up in the sky
You'll play it once and you'll think you're through
But that's just a prep round to get to Part 2
It ain't too funny, and it ain't too gory,
So I guess it ain't nothing but Cave Story! Take it, Pixel!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 03:56 ID:VvZ0SQEM

did you mean to post this in /games/?

just wondering

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 04:03 ID:BRrg21l/

What's cave story?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 04:39 ID:DbzR4Lkg


Only the most awesome freeware game EVER.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 05:35 ID:Heaven

This thread reminds me of the Zelda rap from some old nintendo power issue.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 05:48 ID:BRrg21l/

and it has a rap? That for some reason has to be re-written?

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 09:27 ID:Fyvl14bt

I had seen wallpapers of this game in /w/ on 4chan, but never knew what it actually was. It's pretty fun.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 14:07 ID:JyNTtcEo


9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 14:58 ID:Heaven


The screen shot reminds me of Jill of the Jungle. I'll try it out.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-16 15:54 ID:Heaven

It's not that the rap needs to be re-written, but rather created in the first place. Or so I think

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-18 01:20 ID:JyNTtcEo

Aw, c'mon, we got so many entries for the karaoke contest and none for this?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-18 02:11 ID:Fp/b/7F9

That was one of the first games I ever played. Thank you for reminding me of those beautiful DOS days ;_;

CS plays a lot like Castlevania as the page says, but with a campy humor to it. I'm already at the Sand Zone's end.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-18 02:46 ID:BRrg21l/

Haha, I was considering bumping the karaoke topic, but I'm too lazy to do another song, although I've fixed my hardware.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-18 09:00 ID:Heaven

I fail to see the need for a Cave Story rap in the first place, I guess it's about as appropriate as a sushi oven.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-20 16:33 ID:OIjnooUg

I'm no rapist, but I think it could be done.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-20 17:10 ID:xNRm2L52


>I'm no rapist

I hope not, we can't have Duke's lacrosse team roaming 4-ch.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 03:35 ID:Heaven

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
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