This is the holy island shark Island!
Please Enjoy it....
But We didn't know...
Kinda such of stuff Happen like this...
The bulletin board had one bad rumor.
Who had the bad rumor which is unwilling to use as a mouth.
The long time passed soon and people have forgotten rumor.
Rumor turned into rumor that nobody knows.
And the long time passes and it is one day.
( ゚ ヮ゚) it carries out and is w
Shark Island!?
That is very dangerous.
Everybody must not ask the Shark Island(鮫島).
Carcharodon Carcharias, the great white shark.
He is king of Shark Island
Bow respectfully to him, but not too close!
He will eat your head.
A sister went to Shark Island(鮫島) for birthday.
She is never return.
one day we found her foot and shoe.
She carried out and is EXPLODED