I can barely keep up with this board
fastest 2get in the west
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ Boooon
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
∧_∧ < Vely fast
(・∀・ ) \__________
/⊂ ) //
// | | | //
// _(_(_.//
// _|____// /
/ / _|__/ / /
| | _|____| | /
| | _|____| | /
ヽヽ |_____ヽヽ /
He can fly!
Stick your arms out and run around head-first, like a ten-year-old pretending to be an aeroplane. BUuuuuun!
(^ω^ )
OテOノ )
´ /ヽ ( ( ´`ヽ ≡=-
| .|ヾ∪ | ≡=-
ヽ____ノ ヽ___ノ ≡=-
An accurate representation of the speed at which this board moves at.