4chan is down (161, permasaged)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-07 10:35 ID:mnZn5nUC

Anyone know why?

30 Name: hmnmmm : 2007-10-22 05:38 ID:VmhaKuVM

[i]i[/i]<i>i</i> [ i ]i[ /i ] < i >i< /i > ''i''

trying to figure out how one of youse got italics.

31 Name: hmnmmm : 2007-10-22 05:39 ID:VmhaKuVM

[i] i [/i]

32 Name: hmnmmm : 2007-10-22 05:43 ID:VmhaKuVM


33 Name: hmnmmm : 2007-10-22 05:43 ID:VmhaKuVM

dammit. I still don't know how someone got "Entaro Tassadar" to go in italics.

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