[Cigars] SMOKE (36)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 13:22 ID:jdjb756U

I just recently tried smoking cigars, and I'm glad I did. The taste is so wonderful, like drinking wine.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 15:07 ID:VE6UCgw1

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 15:17 ID:OCyyP68z

really? I recently tried cigarettes, just to be able to smoke... still can't figure out how to do the smoke rings though -> anybody know about that? (Also, all my favourite anime characters smoke)

So cigars are good? they can smell really nice. I'll try some soon. Maybe today even, we've got plenty tobacco-shops where I live.

>>2 has a point, but you know, cigarettes aren't as addictive as cocain, so you don't get lung cancer from one cigarette.

Btw, try looking for websites about smoking, you can only get sites about health risks. Do you think Google is censoring smoking?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 15:27 ID:UtDEBxen

>cigarettes aren't as addictive as cocaine


5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 21:16 ID:OCyyP68z

so I checked around on the net and found this for smoke rings:

Blowing Large Rings (from the lungs)
After filling your lungs with smoke, you will need to contract your diaphragm as if to exhale, but use your epiglottis to only let a small amount of air out. This will fill your mouth with smoke. This should be so slow as if to be subdued, with no real noise produced by the action. Next, with your diaphragm still contracted, let loose a short gasp while dropping your jaw and keeping your lips in an "O" shape approximately 1" - 2" in diameter. The sound of a gasp you are going for is not the typical "aaaaah", it's more of a whispered version of Butt-head's "huh" (as in "Huh huh huh huh, that was cool, Beavis"). You should close your epiglottis immediately after you finish making the sound, which will create a small air pulse through the smoke in your mouth. This will force a small amount of smoke through the "O" shape you should still be making with your lips, creating a smoke ring. If you create a disorderly puff of smoke rather than a ring, chances are the "O" you are forming with your lips is either misshapen or too small; vary the diameter and find the size that works for you.

Blowing Small Rings (from the mouth)
The secret to this method is to push the smoke in your mouth out with your tongue, while making the slightest inaudible puff from your lungs. This will push some of the smoke out, creating a ring. This method requires much more precise control in order not to push too much smoke out, as well as incredible tongue control.

Apparently cigars create much thicker smoke and thus make for better rings.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 21:56 ID:jdjb756U


Most people don't inhale the smoke from cigars. Therefore, no lung cancer is possible. You can still get mouth cancers (tongue, gum), but the incidences are low for those who smoke less than once per day (I intend to smoke maybe once to twice a week). >>2 is a product of the ignorant absolutists in public schools who ban any real understanding of reality. Don't take what authority says for granted, you'll live a miserably boring life.

Interesting. I like just opening the mouth after puffing and letting the smoke drift out like my mouth's a censer.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 01:22 ID:Heaven

>>6 it's better to teach kids that smoking is bad alltogether. Telling a teenager that smoking won't hurt if you do it once or twice a week is just opening the door for them to become addicted and end up smoking two packs a day.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 03:40 ID:OCyyP68z

>>6 yeah, I think that's pretty cool too. btw, I've tried the ringthing, and its not that hard as the text makes it sound to be.

Inhaling smoke from cigarettes makes me damn nauseous, I don't like it. Really got to try a cigar soon!

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 03:45 ID:jdjb756U

And what happens when they realize the lie? They doubt everything else their parents have said, and with good reason. If they were lying about cigs, how about pot? Cocaine? Nothing good can ever come out of lying about something important like teaching your kids about the world.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 05:56 ID:Heaven

>>9 When they realize cigarettes don't kill you? Or at the very least make you unhealthy? Show me the proof of that!

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 11:52 ID:OCyyP68z

>>10 your request seems way unrelated to >>9. Or at least badly phrased.

I also think it is wrong to lie about this.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 21:00 ID:jdjb756U

I don't feel like dredging up some statistics, but what >>11 is getting at is that my point remains valid whether I'm right about this specific issue (smoking) or dead wrong.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 21:12 ID:OCyyP68z

btw, I'd have to take issue with the danger of pot as well. In fact I intend to try some soon. First the cigars though :)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-28 14:34 ID:Heaven


15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-29 05:15 ID:Heaven


16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-03 19:33 ID:jdjb756U

Pot is supposedly less dangerous to inhale than cigarettes, mostly due to the latter having numerous additives but also due to the nature of pot as opposed to tobacco. Pot's also less addictive, if addictive at all.

Faggots of a different kind

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-04 16:49 ID:pRPsfXHy

trust me, weed's addictive. you can practically get addicted to anything as long as it gives you some kind of pleasurable return, and in some cases it doesn't even have to do that. it does damage your mind too but if you use it in moderation then it's negligible.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-04 19:52 ID:jdjb756U

You can get addicted to pretty much anything, but it's only a psychological addiction at worst. You don't get a physical dependency like heroin.

Sidenote: >>17, ever heard of capital letters?

19 Name: thedaemon : 2006-08-01 01:09 ID:z4dyKK79

pipe tabacco is the least harmful of the 3. plus its much more tasty.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-01 01:52 ID:Heaven

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-01 12:44 ID:EqU3/N/U

ヽ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∇ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄;)ノ

22 Name: Troll!!6MhJ5+eg : 2006-08-03 06:07 ID:LVClUXmo

When you smoke...

It goes like this...

You pay money to die slowly. :D

23 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-03 06:44 ID:HMwPpfDY

People who smoke don't value their lifes, it makes you about 10 years older.
Like they want to quit life sooner then they should.
Think about when you have kids, i don't think they want to see you die when they are in their 20's or 30's
And people who smoke and want to quit but they can't, are weak.

24 Name: lucky13 : 2006-08-03 10:02 ID:RAeiwfRE


I know someone who smoked a cigar for the first time and forgot to take the plastic off.

As for me, I pretty much have a no drink, no drug policy, because I can't bring myself to spend money on things like that. A drink bought is a DVD or a manga lost. Plus, I would rather play video games. It is the same, it is an addiction. I get the same high as someone on drugs, yet I am far healthier.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-04 02:01 ID:jdjb756U

1) Drinks aren't all that expensive unless you're an alcoholic or an idiot that always buys the top shelf crap when you'd be just fine with a cheaper brand. A hard drink for me is usually $5-6. Compare that to, for example, the End of Evangelion DVD, which goes for about $15-20 (source: Froogle) or a typical manga which varies from $8-10 or more. I could get a bottle of middle-of-the-line gin for $10, and that lasts me longer than one copy of Deathnote.
Plus, alcohol is the social lubricant, especially useful for those less than likely to get laid. hint hint

2) Video games are not necessarily healthier. Combined with less people smoking (nicotine suppresses appetite to some extent), obesity has gone from minority to the average. Of course, smoking is still not as healthy as properly exercising, eating right, etc., so I wouldn't advocate smoking as opposed to gaming.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-07 04:34 ID:Heaven

dvd's and manga last far longer than drinks. unless you actually spit back all your alcohol for later consumption.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-16 20:56 ID:OCyyP68z

>>26 don't you know? a good state of drunk lasts an eternity!
unfortunately next days hangover does too. still have to try a cigar tho.

who supports me in smoking a cigar?

29 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-17 18:11 ID:OCyyP68z

From now on all health ed links are banned. We know all that shit

30 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-17 21:32 ID:SMo6BEAb

       ( ´∀`)I know damn well it's unhealthy. Now SHUT UP about it!
       (    っ-~

31 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-17 22:28 ID:VMgLcItq

You know you are not suppose to inhale cigar smoke, if you do you can OD on nicotine. Cigars are smoked for the taste, like OP said its taste like wine. You drink wine for the taste, if you want to get drunk you buy cheaper stuff that taste bad but have higher alcohol content.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-18 16:07 ID:OCyyP68z

what happens if you over on nicotine?

33 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-18 16:31 ID:VMgLcItq

Symptoms of a nicotine overdose include nausea; vomiting; watering mouth; diarrhea; abdominal pain; cold sweat; headache; dizziness; disturbed hearing and vision; confusion; weakness; weak, irregular heartbeats; chest pain; seizures; and death.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-19 16:40 ID:OCyyP68z

right. so I got cigars. what should I do to get the best taste out of them? how to enjoy them best?

35 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-20 02:16 ID:SszPqjY0


>Symptoms of a nicotine overdose include nausea; vomiting; watering mouth; diarrhea; abdominal pain; cold sweat; headache; dizziness; disturbed hearing and vision; confusion; weakness; weak, irregular heartbeats; insanity; pedohpilia; spondanious human combustion; spontanious sex change; uncontrolable urge to do the can-can; chest pain; seizures; and death.

oh lawd!

36 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-20 06:20 ID:xOfJuVXk

Make sure you keep them in a place out of the light so they don't dry out.

If you want a best time to smoke them, right after a victory of some sort (winning a bet, your team winning a game) is a great time.

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