Who here use msn? (45)

1 Name: Desperate otoko (no ko) : 2006-06-27 09:47 ID:IVLNZUcF

Hi, I notice that there are a few Japanese and Chinese people here, wanna talk on MSN? Non-JP and Non-Chinese are welcome too. And especially those who have expressed hikikomori/otaku-type problems. Love to share experience.
My MSN is Darth_Darimus@hotmail.com

37 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-13 01:48 ID:vq0n4AbX

MSN is lame.

38 Name: Darth Anonymous : 2006-08-13 01:49 ID:YBCt0z0P

mine is



39 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-13 04:17 ID:vq0n4AbX

get google talk [or jabber!] gaizzzz:


40 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-13 16:33 ID:Heaven

I use MSN. What about it?

41 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-20 09:02 ID:BQCtfbQN

AIM is shitty, just like the Imperial unit of measurement, which obviously the Americans would still be using. Carry on using old technology, while we use 3g mobile technology, faster internet, better cars, and REAL freedom.

-The rest of the world.
P.S. Yeah we'll enjoy using MSN to talk to hot japanese girls, while you talk to some ugly fat white girls.

42 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-20 13:49 ID:x0gdXHTu


To everyone who didn't already know:
Google talk is jabber with VoIP support

Also, there is no reason why you can use AIM and MSN at the same time, you make it sound likes its a religious choice. You can even get gaim or trillian to connect to both at once..

43 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-20 14:03 ID:Heaven

> You can even get gaim or trillian to connect to both at once..

or kopete, which is clearly superior because it doesn't have an ugly interface (gaim) and doesn't cost money or spy on you (trillian).

44 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-20 17:52 ID:Heaven

yes. instead it has shitty, bloated dependencies (kde)

45 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 01:26 ID:Heaven

welcome to the world of highly reusable code

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