Crazy ebay auction (13)

1 Name: craig : 2006-07-29 22:34 ID:A4RwsyY1

This auction could turn out to be interesting....

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-29 23:11 ID:JwPLUL4T

Poor girl. I bet some asshole will name her something stupid.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-29 23:20 ID:JwPLUL4T

4-ch should put together a fund for naming her Mona or something...

4 Name: craig : 2006-07-30 05:21 ID:A4RwsyY1

It's an advertising thing- no one will waste that kind of money to give her a stupid name.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 05:47 ID:ICsPdzyq

no one will waste that kind of money to give her a non-stupid name either... at least I fucking hope so

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 06:02 ID:xBZJXdJk

I'll name her Kouyama Mitsukichan.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 07:22 ID:ZChGXb8S

That would be awesome!

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 08:02 ID:9EpL0Zvo

I wanna name her Princess Diana.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 19:11 ID:NVjsLiS3

I could do something better with $15,000.

Like buy myself a big TV, or a hooker, or a gun to kill the hooker. Poor kid. It'll be in the playground and the other kids might ask one day "why were you called that?" "because my stupid parents put my name up on ebay, fucking's".

10 Name: craig : 2006-07-30 20:44 ID:A4RwsyY1

You aren't a major online website like They spend money on stuff like this because it's actually cheap advertising.

No one expects a private person to blow 15k on something like this.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 22:23 ID:6S8QMwqH

ok everyone lets put our hands together for some $$ and name that kid "Fourchan"

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-31 01:38 ID:6ys4x8RP

I don't like Fourchan. How about Forche?

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-31 02:00 ID:Heaven

Hooker name.

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