Going Outside (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-20 06:29 ID:a33u8FGG

I live in Japan , and I've been here for 5 month now. My problem is whenever I go outside I can't get it out of my head that people are watching what Im doing and making comments about me hence I get nervous and can't relax while outside. Had this problem in the last country I lived in but their wernt as many crowds around so it wasn't a big deal. But the day I landed in Japan the problem maximized, and it became very hard to walk aroud and do things normally while going outside.

When I watch Rozen Maiden and NHK ni youkoso the main character in both shows have the exact same problem.
I try to ignore it and try my best to leave it alone, but no matter what I can't get rid of it.

I don't really mind having this problem but I just wanted to know if anoymous has the same experience or someone that can explain what is behind all this?

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