College (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 05:46 ID:AgZG/Gra

I'm starting collge in a couple weeks. I don't want to go to college. I don't want to have to work hard. I've lived pretty easily up to this point. I dont want to have to start working hard. If I were guaranteed that I could live in my parent's basement for the rest of my life without problem, I probably would. I didn't really think much about it until recently, but now I don't want to move on. I haven't ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend, I don't have much self esteem, and I've managed to do reasonably well without having to put much effort into anything.

Why do I have to grow up (´・ω・`)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 06:04 ID:/Pxf9euD

Don't, then. Be like me and drop out of college, live with your parent(s), and spend all your time inside, slowly wasting your life away. You will have zero responsibility and 100% free time.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 06:42 ID:Heaven

And constantly think of yourself as a loser while doing so, like me.

Trust me, if you have the chance, take it. You don't want to end up like some of the other people I see who post here.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 06:54 ID:Heaven

dance, baby human.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 07:01 ID:yjTUw8vU


I feel exactly the same way. I don't know if it's that I'm lazy as much as that I really don't have any ambition. It's pretty hard to convince yourself to work hard when you're not really working for any particular reason. If you don't care for the reward, then doing the work required to get it just seems pretty pointless.

Same situation with the girlfriend, but I really don't care about that. I have no desire for sex, and relationships just seem like a huge pain in the ass to me.

Unfortunatly, I don't really have my parents to fall back upon, and I really envy those here who can live unemployed with their parents without it really being an issue. If college dosn't go well, I could always go find a job with odd hours (working night shifts has always seemed preferable to me) and/or requiring little contact with others.

6 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-08-21 10:36 ID:ktRPjI4P


You shouldn't fear that you have to work hard, it's your choice whether you want to work hard or not. As for living with parents, well it's ok for me as long as you aren't an asshole to them. I don't know anyone who's parent will allow them to live with them and not doing anything at all. In my case, if I were to do absolutely nothing and stay in my room the whole time, I know it won't work that way.

I know there must be a reason for your fear of the future, at least that is vibe by reading your post. This is an anonymous bbs after all. I know the major reason is fear of failure and the risk involved in the decision you make because you don't know it will successfully work or not. Or you aren't exactly sure what you want to do,and still deciding and weighing the odds.

>>3 I don't know whether you are serious or not. If it is true, since I'm curious, what are some of the people in here you don't want them to end up with?


Some people in here think like that if there isn't a good reason you are working for, then working is pointless. Thats how I seem to perceive for some people on BBS.

I heard stories and gossips that some people back in my country chose not to work and prefer to stay in social welfare. but I never had known any of them personally. The last I've heard is that most of them have psychological issues. In days like this, I think it is quite common.

It all seem like a capitalist propaganda, society expects others to perputuate the capitalist ideas. Most issues seems to involve money, profits, that is what most people are concerned about these days. Material gains, which is something society pushes people to believe in attaining. Sex and woman are also seem to have be included in this motivating desires. TV and all sorts of media, tries to give you that idea. Yes, it ideas, peoples ideas, or an individual's idea, it's really the bottom line, that spawns the reality we live in. No matter how you look at it, the reality is that dreams of one success are always at the expense of others dream. If any of you have seen Berserk, you know what I mean.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 13:42 ID:Og5JBI+6

sucl it up, become a doctor, adopt a individualist ideology, walk with a limp and you will be unstoppable

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 14:50 ID:AgZG/Gra

OP here. I'm going to school to become a programmer. It's not that I don't want to go to school and lern how to do wel, it's just sometimes I feel like not having to do anything would be nice! But of course, everyone has to start working.. oh well.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 15:46 ID:Heaven

>It's not that I don't want to go to school and lern how to do wel

Oh, you are soooo fucking going to school now.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 16:11 ID:AgZG/Gra


oh shut up ( ´∀`)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 16:38 ID:ybvtKbKn

My thirst for fame and fortune is too strong to skip out on college. I must get better and stronger at what I do!

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 16:51 ID:a43zcFkY


I'm mostly like you (Going to go to College soon, haven't had to work too much and still done well, no boy/girlfriend ever), though I do not lack self esteem at all.
If you are going to become a Programmer, try to look at things this way:

  • Someone worked to create a piece of BBS software that now allows a huge number of people (you an me, for example), to communicate.
  • Awesome software does cool things for a lot of people every day (Like, allowing them to call each other on the phone, without any bigger problems).
  • You, too, can help to create awesome software that helps people do awesome things.

... that's how I motivate myself, anyways. I also ocassionally contribute to open source projects - It can be a nice boost for your self esteem if something you created is used by hundereds or thousands of people worldwide (even if they don't have a clue who you are).

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 19:19 ID:Heaven

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with that. I've contributed to quite a few online projects (most wern't coding projects, though) and it's always a good feeling when you come upon someone discussing something you've worked on.


> I don't know whether you are serious or not. If it is true, since I'm curious, what are some of the people in here you don't want them to end up with?

I said end up "like," not end up "with."

And I mean the people who claim to be hikikomori/afraid to go outside/wish for social contact/etc.

For example, the hikikomori thread and a lot of people on /love/

I'm saying to nip the problem in the bud before it can possibly develope.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-24 16:51 ID:Ybsn80cC

this is so wrong

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