I don't have any social skills... (56)

44 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-07 23:32 ID:JovjSR49

"You're wrong because you suck!" is a pretty weak argument, you know, and "EVERYONE knows that I am right!" isn't really convincing, either.

The USSR was, in fact, not communist. Think about it.
In communism, the power should come, in some way, from the people (How this works depends on which theory you like best).

In the USSR, which chose Leninism, elections were held, but most of the time there was only one canidate (Selected by the leaders of the Communist party) on the ballot, so they were basically useless.

So, if the people had no power at all in the USSR, then who had? The leaders of the Communist party (Stalin etc.), and no one else. This leaves us with two classes of people, those with power and those without. Which sounds a lot like the thing that communism is supposed to not have.

Later in history, the USSR became more and more capitalist and finally collapsed.

You're VIP quality, that's what you are.

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