I don't have any social skills... (56)

52 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-14 16:19 ID:Heaven

Before 1941, there was a pact (signed shortly before WWII started) known as the Hitler-Stalin pact or Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, a nonagression treaty between the USSR and Germany that had a secret part in which the USSR and Germany agreed on how to split up the north and east of europe.

The USSR and Germany invaded poland together, and the war between the USSR and Germany only began when Hitler broke the treaty in 1941, and began invading. Also, Stalin was proably (Though thats something historians can't quite agree on...) preparing to invade Germany, and Hitler was mereley a little bit faster. They were both of the same kind, with only minor differences in the method they used to control their citizens.

You could probably call what was happening is Russia "Realistic communism" ("Realkommunismus"); the thing communism becomes in the real world because some people will always want to have more power. It certainly wasn't what Marx thought of.

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