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32 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-17 23:27 ID:/N2a/Jy3


I do see the point partially in seeing that it downgrades the geeknes. But I think geeks are kind of elitest too, if you take my meaning. Intelligence isn't only measured by geekitude. I've seen people who are absolutely brilliant chefs or salesmen or writers. But to a geek, or at least some of the geeks that I speak with online, you're only intelligent if you can write recursive C++ sorting algorythms or explain string theory etc. The attitude is: gee that's nice, but if you were smart like me you'd know about cache and bytecodes and can't write sorting programs, have fun flipping burgers.

As to the Aspergers, I think in some ways it could be beneficial -- in small enough doses. It would allow a person to memorize tables and equations -- useful for engineering and computer/tech fields.

If you're high enough functioning that you can turn those facts into something useful, that's great. But at too high a level, it can limit you. And as I tried to indicate in my first post, (>>26) I mean the obsessive fascination with FICTIONAL devices, especially when it comes to the point of debating their merits whilst wearing Spock-ears and giving Vulcan salutes, at a conference of others in the same frame of mind. Or if you can name all the minutae of some random Anime. See at some point, the same Geekitude can turn on itself and take the victim OUT OF REALITY, to the land of Anime cosplayers, wannabe klingons and so on, and prevent him from leading a normal life.

What I think this really is is a continuum.

0-30% is average
30-60% is geek
60-70% is otaku
70-100% is aspergers/autism

And I suspect it's heritable as probably a series of genetic traits. If you have too many of these traits, after the geek phase, you'll have more and more problems.

But there's another problem (at least if I'm right). Our society, probably since the first days of the public school system, has actually been selecting for the mid-range of the scale. In school, you're rewarded for being able to memorize and give back facts. You graduate with honors and get to go to college, which demands more of the same. So if you're a "geek" you can memorize these facts more easily, you go to college, and graduate for the most part to a good job. Women like sucessful men, so they tend to marry or at least fuck those they perceive as successful. Thus, those who have enough Asperger's-like traits to be a geek are more likely to pass on the genes. But if both parents have enough traits to be "geeks", then their children may have a higher risk of Autism.

Of course, the above needs to be tested. At least once.

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