Bottling (78)

50 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-23 01:59 ID:0V+nlSNh

I find bottling inconvenient, and I'm a half hikki. Infact, I think things like these make hikki sound disgusting. No animals such as dogs and cats would sleep or reside near their own waste. It is natural instinct. Even if you hide the waste, you can't forget it still exists in your room and you would naturally avoid it. You would believe that it is infected and sometime later on it will bring disease to yourself.

Bottling takes up space and it is very inconvenient to dispose of them one by one and emptying them. Also if you are not careful, accident may arise that you release it before you place the tip inside the mouth of the bottle and piss getting on the floor where you mostly stay. Go to the toilet and do your job and flush it down, easy and you don't have waste lying around your house and in your room. Instead of the incoveniency of bottling and the space it takes up, just go to bathroom as you would free yourself from storing and disposing of your waste in bottles.

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