Bottling (78)

55 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-23 11:45 ID:Heaven

Oh so it wastes just as much water huh? COOL how does it get there? Can you teach me this christian magic?
No one shits in bottles you goddamned retard
What anxiety? My anxiousness to kill faggots like you? Yes let me move out into this 'real world' post haste I have A LOT of cleaning up to do!
Everyone cares what some faggot considers normal, they also care what said 'normal' people think about anything let alone themselves, I'm not going to give a shit what you think when I stab you, am I?
No sorry, I am not leaving my room just to take a simple piss when I'm chilling, it's quicker and my piss comes very frequently. To have to a) open the door b) walk all that way and c) flush is annoying, not to mention someone might see me outside of my room, which would make me mad and then stab you, yes you because it would be ALL YOUR FAULT.
You're going to find getting stabbed by me VERY inconvenient.
lololol guy's I'm 53 and I'm totally half like you guys so I totallyyyy know where you're coming from and I really don't sound like someone who this anonymous guy would just love to see offed so that humanity would become closer to being a group that he could ever possibly stand, also being a half hikki i am the authority on what other hikkis think and they totally told me they dont like you guys because you poop in bottles because i know you all do everyday

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