I've recently been plotting building a kotatsu for my crappy cement box i'm supposed to call home. It's going to be freezing this winter. any warnings, suggestions? any good ideas as to where to mabey buy one in southern ontario? For the most part i'm just planning on throwing together some thin wood and wood skrews, and throwing a heat lamp with a good casing/fixture.
appreciate input ^^
That's a great idea.
Make sure to put some sort of thermostatic control for safety.
You don't want burn your legs while sleeping.
a kotatsu! how fun!
Oh fuck, that hurts badly.
Kotatsu's are neat, too bad I've never lived in a place where it was a very practical idea (´Д`)
In winter,We set up Kotatu and put mikan(Japanese oranges)on it.While lying down under Kotatu ,we eat them and watch TV.
It's one of typical Japanese life style.
At this moment,I feel that I'm happy to be born in Japan.
Anyway,Kotatu is wonderful,excellent,fabulous,marvelous,
magnificant,beautiful,you know,beyond description.
I know there are places that sell them, but I don't really have any ideas as to what it would cost.
...I'm about halfway surprised I actually found it on ebay, though.