It is NOT OKAY to be fat... (48)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-05 20:31 ID:45DnJA8o

I'm tired of fat people thinking that they're entitled to be seen as "normal" when there is everything wrong and abnormal with being fat.

Nothing illustrated this more than what I saw today driving out of my apartment complex.

if you...


Shit, it made me sick looking at that sack of crisco struggle to walk more than a 7-month old with palsy.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-05 21:00 ID:QPJYky6o

Yeah, take that you fat bastards!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-06 05:14 ID:7w4l4XHE

You know, I've been moderately overweight for most of my life. (5'10", reached a max weight of 230lbs) and have managed to get down to around 180 over the last 6 months. Seriously, it's not that hard. It seems strange to me, now, to look at people struggling with their weight like it's some kind of complex, arcane process. Just... get out and run. Live on low-calorie frozen dinners and run. The weight will come off.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-06 06:40 ID:Heaven

>>3 >Live on low-calorie frozen dinners and run.

lol What kind of specification is that! There's healthier choices!

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-06 07:55 ID:Ir+8VGKh

So what you're saying is that if you move your fat ass every now and then and burn more calories than you consume you will actually lose weight? SHOCKING!!!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-06 10:29 ID:Heaven

> Just... get out and run.

And then people like >>1 will complain about it.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-07 03:20 ID:7w4l4XHE


It's worked so far. :3

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-07 18:08 ID:Heaven


I too have went from 5'7" 180lbs down to 140lbs by eating healthy and excercising over a four month period. While I know weight loss is different from person to person, for me it wasn't a very difficult thing to do.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 00:11 ID:X4fgZ1ly

I have never been overweight so I look down on you disgusting fatties.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 00:15 ID:kSmwr7fU

For fuck's sake people. There are serious genetic reasons why some people are overweight, and it's not funny. Yes, obesity is a problem and should be addressed by the individuals and families it directly affects. However, until you know a person, please reserve judgment. Thank you.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 00:29 ID:Heaven

That's what they all say.

I'm guessing you're fat?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 01:00 ID:7XA9TUDA

There are people with a genetic tendencies toward being overweight. Just as there are people who can easily put on muscle, mesomorphs, there are people who put on fat just as easily; they're called endomorphs. Then there are people who don't put on either muscle or fat easily, and they're called ectomorphs. These are the three basic body-types.

However, just because you have the genes, doesn't mean you will automatically be a certain body type, only the disposition. We're creatures of both nuture and nature. There are many reasons why people are overweight.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 01:33 ID:7w4l4XHE


Some? Certainly. I'm not trying to say that isn't the truth.

The large majority don't have much of an excuse, though.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 01:42 ID:kSmwr7fU

No, I'm actually insanely skinny. A friend recently referred to me as an "anemic viking". Nevertheless.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 01:50 ID:mw96P5pJ


is it ok just to have a beer gut?

16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 05:40 ID:DKiuCMwW

beergut ok. triplechin not.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-08 06:03 ID:Heaven

beer gut is potentially bad, since fat in that area has been correlated with heart problems later in life

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-09 23:59 ID:TPDqd4aa

Why should I respect fat people when they don't even respect themselves?

19 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-10 00:03 ID:Fvyatkwq


Why should I respect you when you don't even respect others?

20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-10 00:20 ID:RerzKf7g


I'd run but I'm self-conscious and I think I run kinda gay-looking.

I mean, I am gay, but I don't want people to know it because I run like a sissy. When I was skinny, random strangers would occasionally try to belittle me in public, just because I looked basically like a weaker clone of Bill Gates. Now that I'm sized like a damn football player, people don't fuck with me.

Also my place has mountain cats, and it's not rare to see them. I just don't like going outside, for many reasons. I'm shy and I don't wanna be eaten.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-10 01:17 ID:TPDqd4aa


Because if you don't respect me I rip ya fucking head off.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-10 09:16 ID:NbQ0OVb3


Over the internet

23 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 00:22 ID:KALECeOI

I have just as much disrespect for people that you can see there bones and it's not like they can't find something to eat!

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 01:02 ID:Heaven

what about people who eat FUCKING 6000 CALORIES A DAY and still only weigh about 110 lbs.?

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 01:15 ID:W/9Ytt/u

Those people are awesome, admit it. You're just jealous.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 02:33 ID:Heaven

i'm >>24 and i am one of those people. i hate it because people think i'm anorexic or something.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 03:35 ID:yaR7W5V9

You'll die of a heart attack.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-12 12:15 ID:a7sOLjvw

I am too. It's pretty weird.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-12 14:56 ID:oEBDO6oT

fat people are fat and ugly. they better stay at home so people dont need to look at them.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-12 18:45 ID:Heaven

They're not auto-awesome because of that, they just lucked out in the gene-lottery.
I have a friend who's like that, people keep thinking she's anorexic, and tell her to be more healthy and eat proper meals when she already does that. Poor girl. At least she looks great without extra effort.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 03:37 ID:/h5KDUST

> they just lucked out in the gene-lottery.

yeah, having to eat ALL THE FUCKING TIME just to keep from looking like A FUCKING SKELETON WITH SKIN is great.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 06:18 ID:P8s55NG2

I can't believe people eat McDonald's. Like every item on the menu has 50%+ DV of cholesterol. One McGriddle has 80%! That's just ridiculous.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 06:19 ID:Heaven

I blame my slight overweightness on depression medicine which forces me to gain weight.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 10:38 ID:Heaven

My friend actually likes eating exquisite meals, so for her it's a good thing. Although I imagine it would be a bad thing if she were poor and couldn't eat out on a daily basis.

35 Name: xx645654g : 2007-06-13 18:39 ID:CnWP0RIh

If you have more fat, it's easier to have more muscle. But the fat people with no muscle are what bothers me. If you weigh 50+ lbs more than me but can't do as much lifting/moving as I can, get the fuck out.

36 Name: FAT PEOPLE SUCK DOG DICKS : 2007-06-19 04:13 ID:wkFXWxqe


37 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-19 04:40 ID:VL03M9xE

We tend to be not-so-great in the physical activity field, though.

38 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-19 07:35 ID:Heaven


39 Name: Angel ^_^ : 2007-06-29 19:55 ID:tie/AP2W

I am a body builder and since I have started and read many articles in body building magazines etc. I have discovered many interesting facts.

All of todays body building champions were "chubby" when they were in their teen years or younger.

This is what makes them so successful later in their bodybuilding life as well as being "larger" when they were young allows for easyer muscle growth and proper sizing once they gain muscle.

I was "larger" when I was younger so I guess I be having a fantastic career ahead of me. Yay! ^_^

But still people, Please respect the larger population. It is discrimination like this that leads to so many problems in the world today. Larger people deserve the same respect that everybody else has. Everybody Deserves respect from others.

(P.S I know that flames are going to be seen because of this post due to people not being as understanding as I am so I just want to say that don't even bother with the negitivity. You only hurt your soul and I am not going to read them anyway. Caio ^_^)

40 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 20:17 ID:Heaven

Man the harpoons

41 Name: Angel ^_^ : 2007-06-29 20:18 ID:Heaven

I am a fatty.

42 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 21:20 ID:ojvpbdad

Diet and exercise. I have found the secret to weight loss!

By the way, 130 pounds and 5'11.

44 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 19:55 ID:Heaven

They are literally trapped in their grotesque, blubbery bodies.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-06 15:22 ID:/T/+6qat

>>43 because theonion is such a credible source, rite?

46 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-06 15:31 ID:SCA1algi


Is a fatty.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-07 22:01 ID:Heaven

>>46 lol good one

48 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-08 00:47 ID:Heaven

Showing that you care means that you are fat. GB2/McDonalds

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