Can't browse 2ch threads :( (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-18 02:16 ID:oEzZn1Ki

I try and browse certain threads on 2ch and this shit comes up.

携帯 でのアクセスについて
Concerning mobile phone access

For the time being read this thread.

Don't repeatedly e-mail us about this.

What is this? I'm browsing from Firefox on XP in the US. I tried IE too, same stuff. Am I blocked for using a US IP? It's only on certain forums, and it's just when i try to read a thread (I can see the main forum page)

Anyone know a solution to this?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-20 03:14 ID:Heaven

Did you try clicking the link? I beleive it says you need a 2ch browser to view that section of the site.

There are plenty of 2ch browsers for any os, check out the links there.

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