So, taking a look at the popularity of 2ch and how significant it is within Japanese internet culture, what exactly are the cultural/social differences that make 2ch so popular and 4-ch so dead (relatively)? Although one could claim it was Densha Otoko that really brought 2ch into the mainstream attention, the fact of the matter is that it was nearly ubiquitous previous to Densha.
Furthermore, what can be done to make 4-ch more popular? I would love to see the board become as strong as 2ch, and although that may not be possible, it would be nice to see a community develop.
It's impossible.
Japanese and Americans have a different mentality. I think Japanese people are usually reserved, and thus need anonymous message boards so that they can finally be themselves.
Americans, however, aren't as reserved, and thus don't really see the advantages of using it.
That's not likely to happen... I mean, when I post on 2ch I get
replies almost instantly.
In this place it sometimes takes days to get a reply.
phpBB and stuff like that are the norm for English speakers and
I can't see that changing anytime soon.
Ok, so it may be impossible for it to become as popular and widely used as 2ch, however, is it possible for it to reach the popularity of 4chan? Or, does 4ch think it's just the imageboard functionality that makes 4chan as popular as it is?
I hate 4chan. Seriously, it's finished IMO.
I think you're right. From the beginning, 4chan had a different focus in mind than 2ch or 4ch, and since then, it's degraded significantly into rambling of /b/tards about internet memes and racism. That being said, I know I wouldn't want 4ch to turn into 4chan... just for it to have as much traffic with users such as those who currently post. Impossible? Absolutely.
> Japanese and Americans have a different mentality
Except there are very little Americans here. There are many Europeans, however.
One thing is that many of the people who know about this board are people who interested in Japan and so know about 2ch, but are English speaking.
But for many English speaking people, they want to have "avatars" and such, and thus like the traditional phpBB type boards.
I recommend you tell all of your otaku friends about this place! It'll be fun! Or retarded...
>>7 tsk tsk...don't you know ALL westerners are Americans? What were you thinking? (I'm kidding of course)
I actually post on 2ch as well as here.
I just think it's kind of cool to post
in my native language.
Oh, and I'm not into anime at all.....
And so, this place isn't just for Wapanese.
Should I feel a bit out of place here?
I think that you're right though.
The majority of posters here are just
people who probably want to post on 2ch
but can't speak Japanese that well...
Maybe 4ch focuses too much on one
group of people.
This place should widen it's focus and
actually live up to it's "Let's talk
about everything" motto.
Only then can it become anywhere near as
popular as something like 2ch.
I think you're right, but the problem is that the addition of more focused boards simply creates disparity within 4ch itself, rather than bringing in others.
Let's say, theoretically, there was an advertising effort for 4ch, paid for solely through donations, or a movement of bloggers finding refuge in 4ch. The audience would widen, and would thus grow as people would have more reason to continue returning. I think the question should be first how to raise traffic, then how to make more focused boards, etc.
Agreed. But how would you suggest we raise traffic? I often post in the Sports section for example only to come back and see the thread I started weeks ago STILL at the top with no replies. I don't think alot of people trust the internet enough or think it's 'cool' to use forums like this for information and discussion. I'm afraid we need to broadcast our existence more at the risk of attracting more idiots simply to broaden our userbase. Don't forget 2ch has it's share of trolls and idiots too.