well do you?, can't recall seeing it in movies or anime.. is it popular in Japan?
I haven't seen much cannabis reference in American animation...
I guess.... I saw it in Moon Child (dont know if it was weed tho) and in Cromartie High Movie
Are you a trafficker ?
I want to escape from reality.
so give me anything you have!
>can't recall seeing it in movies or anime
Yeah, because movies and anime are perfect represantations of japan...
marijuana possession in japan gets you 5 years of hard labor
so, only the stupid ones
yes I am a trafficker, wanna talk about it? havssand @ hot mail . com
My impression is that the japanese look down on such drugs a lot. This doesn't stop youth from doing them, naturally, but going out drinking is a lot more encouraged in Japan than e.g. USA, I'd say. That probably helps keeping the other drug-rates down...
what kind of drugs do they like then?
My Japanese professor supposedly took mushrooms. We asked him once and he didn't answer.
some get high off beetles
MMmh Beer (homer)
No, Because the Japanese are aliens and dont like or do the things we other humans do and like....
Stupidest thread this month.
Partially very true. Also, especially amongst the elder chunk of the population, there's a fuckload of stigma associated with drug use.. The old people are a bigger and bigger chunk of the population, and while everybody doesn't at all become conservative when they grow old, it helps.
they've gotta be on something stronger for them to think up some of the shit they do on TV
>and while everybody doesn't at all become conservative when they grow old, it helps.
that will be the end of japan.
Yes. The declining birth rate in combination with that...
"Lost in Translation: w/ Bill Murray. Yes, there is a decent sized sub-culture of dopesmokers in japan. Hydro is popular in the urban areas (makes sense, due to limited space)
it's so hard to get drugs in japan and it's a lot more expensive comparing to usa.
In my experience Japanese who visit my country (UK) are all very impressed by cannabis and say they could never get it back home, and most of them want to try some.
E is a lot more popular there.
Easy to make, transport and consume.
Like >>24 says there is a big sub-culture. There's still a whole bunch of headshops all over the major cities. Up until about 5 yrs ago, mushrooms were still legal in Japan. You can just walk up and buy different kinds of mushrooms.
Actually the most widely used illegal drug (besides illegally attained prescription drugs), is meth. It's manufactured both within Japan and of course brought in from various other Asian countries by boat, namely North Korea. A lot of the people that work in the enormous prostitution industry use meth. Just that alone is a high number of users.
E is getting popular but the majority of it is smuggled in from Europe through airports so it's expensive. But not that hard to find.
i think marijuana is awesome.
just thought i'd put that out there.
You mean that girl in a sailor fuku who asked for my money wasn't really fighting to save the world?
Fuck. And I gave her $500 too.
щ(`Д´щ) WHY are you people talking about drugs?
>>36 flax?
That's one reading of that kanji. Another is "hemp."
frealz? that's awesome. are there any other good japanese terms for weed? babelfish turned 麻 into flax.
From what I hear, stimulants are widely abused in Japan, and the Yakuza control, almost completely, the import/export of drugs, and they have threatened that if the police heavily enforce anti-stimulant-drug laws (drugs like meth/amphetamines), they would bring in cocaine and/or heroin, however both coke and H have been seen more widespread lately.
Marijuana, since it can be grown indoors in a closet even, isn't a part of the yakuza monopoly on trafficking.
I think the explanation for the popularity of stimulants might be the fact that they aren't particularly mind altering, they just make you feel very fast and sometimes aggressive.