the word "gaijin" (152)

145 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-04 10:49 ID:Heaven

In japan 外人(ガイジン/がいじん/gaijin)meaning "FOREIGNER"
"The man from out of this cuntry".

But in Chinese character and In Chinese. more basic mean separation.

"外" is meaning "out" , "人" is meaning "human"
sometimes foreigner misunderstands it.
The meaning is translated direct literally.
Gaijin is 外..out...人...human... "Out of human" ?
Hey! Japanese and Japnan is so Racial discrimination cuntry!!
YES! I understood! Eureka!!!

Now you say "Nice guy", but you don't image Guy Fawkes.
gaijin(外人) is a one sentence word meaning "FORINER" in japan.

sometime anti japanese foriner say "Japan is so
Racial discrimination country. becouse they use gaijin,
U konw that mean? It's "Out of Human"..."
W R O N G !.

Because wanted to explain about this matter. thanks.

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