the word "gaijin" (152)

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-15 21:50 ID:VKhDB5VT

who cares what the fuck you call them. As long as interpersonal relations are civil (on both sides) there is no problem.

The white men that go there to be integrated are just dreaming. First of all, why? Nobody is perfect, off the top of my head I can list about 100 things that is I don't like about the natives in Japan.

Second, it's stupid to try to erase your past and try to move on to a different culture. I'm sure the Europeans and Americans will barf at this, but that is just because they are fed liberal multicultural crap since they were born, from both left and right wings.

Be proud of your past. And be civil in new situations (i.e. Japan, etc.)

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